Recording movies with the Flea

1. Compile the vloopback device ( and load it into memory. At the moment (12 June 2007 it seems that the original server seems offline. A copy of the 1.0 version can be downloaded here)

modprobe vloopback

2. set the permissions of all the following devices to your liking


3. Open coriander and set the receive tab configuration to for instance 16 bpp, 1024x768 downsampled at 30fps.
4. Start the receiving service (you could also start the display service to see whether the results are ok)
5. When the vloopback module loads it reports which video device is input and output of the video pipe. On my macjhine th einput is /dev/video0. Set the input of the video pipe in the V4L tab and start the service.
6. To record the movie now, we can use mencoder to capture the stream on the fly. The following small script contains the necessary parameters. Note that we use here the video out device of the video loopback pipe (being /dev/video1). The width and height must be right as well as the outfmt (this took some testing to find the correct values)

mencoder tv:// \
  -tv driver=v4l:device=/dev/video1:outfmt=rgb24:width=512:height=384 \
  -flip \
  -ovc lavc -o $1 \
  -lavcopts vbitrate=15000

To use it enter

./catchv4lstream512x384 test.avi

This will write the stream to the file test.avi. Standard mplayer can afterwards play the data.