Reusing the lens
a consumer grade digital camera for a Flea camera
Since my first
experiments with some lenses turned into a telelens, I
needed somewhat smaller lens. In the past we had a medion camera, which
looked somewhat like
disasembling this camera and removing the lens and infrared
The lens itself
was mounted on a switch to bring the lens slightly back
or forth (to capture 'landscapes' versus 'flowers'). This switch was
backed with an infrared filter and then by the bayer matrix. The
filter automatically creates distance between the matrix and the lens.
However, either with or without this extra distance was I unable to put
the lens onto the Flea camera such that it had a proper focus.
Notwhithstanding, the results were not too bad. A small number
of tests on the focus of the flea with the medion lens shows that the
focus is somewhere between 25cm and 35cm. Well enough for close
captures of mixing desks and the likes. We measured the focus by
putting a book in front of the camera at a specific distance:
5 cm:
10 cm:
15 cm:
20 cm:
25 cm:
30 cm:
35 cm:
40 cm:
The actual flea with
medion lens in front looks like