12. Petrinets
Werner Van Belle1 - werner@yellowcouch.org, werner.van.belle@gmail.com
1- Programming Technology Lab (PROG)
Department of Computer Science (DINF)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB); Pleinlaan 2; 1050 Brussel; Belgium
Investigates the use of Petri-nets in distributed open systems, which also happen to be concurrent systems. This exercise was given in 2002-2003
Werner Van Belle; Petrinets;
Programming distributed systems is not easy because
- distributed systems are inherent concurrent systems, in which all
too often multiple sessions have to be managed.
- one has to take into account the possibility of failures at virtually
every possible moment.
This makes the use of thread based models and semi-transparent calling
models very difficult. However, the other possibility, event based
models (presented in the previous lesson) don't solve these problems
either. Luckily, concurrency, session management and partial failures
are no longer hidden from the programmer. In this lesson we will see
how Petri-nets can be used as a modeling technique that can help in
designing distributed applications.
A Petri-net is a drawing that formally and statically describes the
possibilities and impossibilities of a system at runtime. In comparison
to MSC's they fully describe the behavior which makes them perfectly
suitable to do all kinds of static checking. For instance, can the
system deadlock, will it stay running, what can happen if an error
occurs and other questions can be answered automatically.
There are a lot of varieties of Petri-nets. For all practical purposes
colored Petri-nets should be used, however, because it might be too
much at once, we will first introduce elementary Petri-nets. Elementary
nets offer a formalism that is relatively easy to explain and naturally
extends to colored Petri-nets. A second reason why we introduce elementary
nets is that all existing Petri-net formalisms are based upon the
elementary ones.
Figure 1:
A Petri-net describing
a non-nested locking strategy.
Petri-nets are drawn as box/circle diagrams. Figure 1
is a Petri-net describing the behavior of a non-counting semaphore.
Petri-nets have a number of concepts:
- Places: places represent the state of a system. In our example,
these are the circles. The places are unlocked, unlocking, locking, locked
and acting. It is perfectly possible to have a Petri-net
in which multiple places contain a token. Token can be moved from
one place to another by transitions, however some rules should be
- Tokens: A place can have zero, one or more tokens. Simple Petri-nets
only have boolean tokens. A token is either there or is not there.
In our example only the unlocked place contains a token.
Tokens which contain values will be discussed when we describe colored
- Transitions: A transition specifies how a token is replaced
from one place to another. In our example, we have the transitions:
UnlockDone, Lock, LockFalse, LockTrue,
Unlock, ActDone and Act. A transition
can be either enabled or disabled. If all the arcs coming into a transition
offer a token the transition is enabled. In our case only the transition
Lock is enabled because the only incoming arc from Unlocked
offers a token. The transition Unlock is not enabled since
there is no token at Locked. When a transition is executed
all offered tokens are taken away from their place and transferred
to all the places which receive an arc from this transition. If we
would execute the transition Lock the token would be replaced
from Unlocked to Locking. Afterward the transition
LockFalse and LockTrue will be enabled. A
transition of a P/T net is enabled
only when all of its input-places offer a token and all its
output places are empty.
- Marking: The marking of a Petri-net contains all the places
that contain a certain token. The marking is in fact the global state
of a Petri-net.
The design of the locking strategy presented above, has transitions
that are executed by the actor automatically §transitions such as
returnLockFalse and transitions that can be executed by
others (transitions such as
lock). A Petri-net doesn't
distinguish between them. Every transition will bring a Petri-net
from one state to another. The question we must ask ourselves now
is whether there exist a sequence of transitions that will bring the
Petri-net in a state where nothing can be done anymore. In our example
this is not the case because every transition will remove 1 token
and place 1 token somewhere else (such Petri-nets are called conservative).
Therefore the Petri-net will never be in a state where there is no
transition enabled, hence there is no deadlock. Moreover, because
every place in the net can reach any other place, the Petri-net will
never be in a place that locks out part of the Petri-net in the future,
hence we can always reach every possible marking. This is called liveness
of the Petri-net. So we are no only sure that the system is
we are also sure that it is
alive. So the implementation of
the concurrency strategy is OK, with respect to concurrency behavior.
Figure 2:
A typical producer consumer Petri-net.
Figure 2 is another P/T net. It describes
the behavior of two actors. The first actor is a producer of data,
the second is a consumer of data. In the above example, the only two
enabled transitions are produce and receive.
The above Petri-net is an illustration of how well Petri-nets can
be combined.
To analyze the concurrency behavior of the above system, we can say
that the consumer is only alive when the receive operation is alive.
This is the case, only when the producer is alive and since this is
also the case, the Petri-net in general is alive. The same counts
for deadlock-freedom. The producer is deadlock-free if the place buffer
filled can contain a token in all possible futures. This is again
the case because the producer is alive and does not depend on anybody
Petri-nets can be implemented on control-flow machines, that is, machines
with a 'fetch', 'execute', 'store', architecture. To do so one needs
to keep a marking in working memory, to which all current transition
are tested to make a step. The current marking in the working memory
is then replaced by the new marking.1 However fast in execution, a typical control flow machine suffers
from one enormous bottleneck: the memory access: since every single
Petri-net step has to fetch and store data in the main working memory,
Petri-nets are difficult to map efficiently to commonly used hardware.
Nevertheless, in the past, data-flow machines have been build which
are much more efficient in executing Petri-nets. A data-flow machine
consists of a number of registers that holds tokens, a token is transferred
from operation to operation. In a typical data-flow machine an operation
has at most two input-registers and at most two output operations.
The input registers are filled in by other instructions that wants
to pass a token to this operation. The destination registers contain
the addresses where to put the result. These addresses refer to the
input registers of other operations. Every operation has also two
signaling registers which are used to schedule the passing of tokens.
[Moo96] contains a description of a number of existing
data-flow machines. Not so strangely the evolution of data-flow machines
follows very closely the evolution of formal Petri-net models.
Figure 3:
Two Philosophers
Figure 3 shows two processes. The left process
tries two lock two resources. The right process tries to do the same.
- Can you point out how a deadlock can arise ?
- How would you solve the problem?
- Draw a Petri-net of a regular call.
- How would you verify its behavior if one of both processes
resets ?
- Draw a Petri-net of the behavior of the server, down
to the socket level. Make sure that at least two connections can
be accepted
The previous description describes elementary place/transition Petri-nets
(elementary PTNets). Although enough to describe the basic operation
of a Petri-net they are barely useful in real life situations, unless
we add some syntactical sugar. We will now explain how Petri-nets
have been extended to be more practically useful. One of the first
limitations one encounters is the lacks of values. Assume we want
to extend the Petri-net in figure 1
to a nested locking strategy using an elementary PTNet.
To do so, with an elementary PTNet we would need to specify for every
possible value of the lockcount variable a specific state,
(e.g: we would have states 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...) and transitions in
between them. This of course is a) no longer readable and as such
not suitable as a specification language and is b) from a programmers
point of view, not performant since we have a state explosion where
it deems not necessary.
Another similar problem is the impossibility to easily replicate states.
Consider the situation where we want to describe the interface behavior
of a binary semaphore playfield. It is very simple to describe the
behavior of a binary locking strategy for only a single square (see
figure 1). The problem that
now arises is how we should specify the same behavior for all squares
on the playing field ? Without extensions the only thing we can do
is write down a full exploded Petri-net, something that is clearly
not manageable.
Therefore low level P/T nets were extended with the concept of colored
tokens. Now instead of having only true/false tokens one can have
tokens which contain a specific value (or color).
This small extension to Petri-nets complicates the formalism a lot.
It is not clear when a certain transition is enabled: can we specifically
check the color of a token or do we only check its presence. It is
also not clear what should happen when a transition is executed, what
color/value will the outgoing token(s) have ? Is it possible to send
different tokens to different places ? Below we will explain how colored
Petri-nets are defined.
Figure 4:
A colored Petri-net illustrating a nested
locking strategy for a playing field of 32x32 squares.
From an informal point of view a colored Petri-net consists of places,
transitions, a relation in between them and expressions which are
used to verify incoming tokens/values and create new tokens/values.
The Petri-net in figure
4 illustrates how
an easy to understand colored Petri-net looks like for a nested locking
strategy in a playing field containing 32x32 squares. A number of
additional properties can be observed:
- First, every place has a type associated with it, a color set. This
type declares which possible values can be present at the given place.
For instance the Locking place has a type/color
is the set of possible X values,
is the set of possible
Y values and
is the set of possible lockcounts, an infinite
set indeed. The possible colors of the tokens, or values for short,
at the locking place are tuples which belong to the set
The values
are valid tokens, while the values
are invalid tokens.
- Second, places can contain more than one token.
- Third, all arcs contain an expression which either describes the tokens
generated or the tokens to be matched. From the point of view of a
- every incoming arc describes which tokens are looked for. For example,
the incoming arc on the 'Lock_True' transition needs a 3-tuple,
if one is available, such as
the variables
will be bound to the values present in the token/tuple. So,
- every outgoing arc describes how new tokens are generated. If the
Lock_True transition is executed all incoming tokens are removed
from the input places and the output places receive newly created
tokens. For example, the outgoing arc of the Lock_True transition
contains the expression
. Since the variables
were bound to
, the new token will be
. This token will be put in the place LockCount.
- Fourth, some transitions can contain guards. A guard is an expression
which verifies whether the transition is enabled given a number of
input tokens. A guard is also an expression in some sort of language,
which will be described later. A guard should evaluate to true or
false. When a guard evaluates to true the transition is enabled, when
the guard evaluates to false but still all tokens are present the
transition is not enabled. For example, the transition Unlock has
a guard
. Intuitively this means that a lock cannot be released
if the lock is not held. The outgoing arc of the UnlockDone transition
has an expression
which decreases the lock counter with
one. Because we are sure that the incoming token has a lockcount
larger than
, the resulting token will always be in the set
- Fifth, the expressions used within guards and on arcs can be chosen.
However if one chooses a language too rigorous a lot of analyzing
power is lost. The language we will choose will be described below.
Figure 5:
A nested locking strategy upon
a squared playing field with only one place.
Given this, we can now clearly see the expressive power of Petri-nets.
We can choose how much detail we include in our Petri-net. The Petri-net
given in figure 4 only covers the locking
of a single square with a lockcount. If we want we could add a session
ID to check whether the incoming lock request is from the same one
who already has obtained a lock. The fact that we do not need
to specify this, without losing the ability to reflect over the behavior
of the system is one of the greatest strengths of Petri-nets.
It is even possible to describe the same behavior with only one place.
Therefore we need to add another color
which describes whether
a certain position is in busy locking (busyL), busy unlocking (busyU)
or available (avail). The associated Petri-net, without acting logic
for the sake of simplicity is pictured in 5.
On the other hand if we need to use this Petri-net in a larger context,
in which we only need to know whether a place is locked or unlocked
we can split the LockCount state of figure 4
in two as depicted in figure 6.
Figure 6:
A large Petri-net describing the
behavior of a nested locking strategy on a playing field consisting
of 32 x 32 squares. There are separate states for 'unlocked' and 'locked'.
When locked a lock counter is kept.
The formal definition of a colored Petri-net given earlier handled
expressions as if they can be anything. Therefore we need to define
what kind of expressions we will use. The expression language we will
use has a syntax and semantics comparable to an enormously reduced
variant of Scheme [SJ75]. The syntax:
Semantically speaking those expressions are straight forward. In the
end everything evaluates to either a token or an integer. There are
no other values to work with. If a compound statement is found, the
arguments are evaluated in applicative order: they are all evaluated
recursively, after that the operator is applied to the given values.
respectively adds, multiplies all given arguments.
respectively subtracts, divides all arguments
results in
results in
results in
are logic operations. Something is considered to
be true if it is not zero.
are comparison operators. They are not defined on
Implementing an evaluator of CPNets seems trivial: instead of checking
whether a token is present and moving the token from the input places
to the output places we also have to check a guard. Unfortunately
it isn't that simple. Remember the formula 3,
if we want to know which transitions are enabled we must be able to
evaluate the right hand side of that expression. This means that we
must find a binding for which the guard (and accompanying expressions)
is satisfied. In contrast to an elementary net where we simply have
to check whether a token is present we now have to find out which
combination of tokens is suitable to satisfy the guard. Luckily,
when searching a suitable combination we only need to take into account
the set of all tokens present at places local to the transition under
investigation. This means that we don't have to check combinations
of tokens in places which are not immediately linked to the current
transition. This can be easily seen if we look at the two expressions
within formula 3. The first requirement,
there should be a
, does not necessarily guarantee that
the values are present at the places local to t. In fact nothing says
where the values have to come from. It only guarantees that there
is a binding which satisfies the guard and which binds all necessary
values. The second part of the expression on the other hand
guarantees that all the values necessary to satisfy the guard are
present at the incoming places.
Practically this means that, when a transition has
tokens in
total over all its input places (this set is called
and there
free variables (this set is called
we must try out
all permutations over X. If there are many tokens this number grows
fast. Hence we cannot check whether a transition is enabled in
A second aspect to evaluating a Petri-net is knowing which transitions
have a chance to be enabled. If we start with an initial marking
we know that we only have to check the transitions immediately bound
to the places containing tokens. So we only need to check out
If a certain transition is selected to be executed we need to change
the marking from
as specified in formula 4.
In human terms this equation transfers a certain amount of tokens
from the input place(s) to the output place(s). Thereby changing the
local states of all the input places and all the output places, formally
changing the state of
. The transitions
connected to these places:
are the only ones who can possible change from disabled to enabled
(or vice versa).
Because of this, it is important to have Petri-nets with enough distinct
places: the amount of incoming tokens at a transition will be likely
smaller if we have more places in a Petri-net. Also, evaluating the
Petri-net can be much more oriented to a set of changed places as
specified earlier. For example, a Petri-net as in figure 5
is very small, with only one place. Given the fact that the net is
conservative2 and that we start with 3072 tokens, and there are 5 possible enabled
transitions, we need to check out 15360 possibilities. This number
rises exponentially with the number of input tokens taken by one transition.
In comparison, consider the Petri-net in figure 4,
we start with a token count of 1024 at place 'LockCount'. There are
3 possible output places so we need to check 3072 permutations.
Given the fact that we need to try out all permutations of incoming
tokens we might start thinking of using something like a logic engine
to evaluate a Petri-net. Indeed, it is very easy to write a Petri-net
evaluator in something like Prolog. To do so one simply needs to translate
the formal definition of a Petri-net to Prolog rules.
- Look at the producer/consumer Petri-net given earlier.
If we would interpret this as a colored Petri-net what would be the
difference ? How could we solve this problem ? Remember: a P/T-net
only enables a transition if the output-places are empty. A CPNet
does not impose this requirement.
- Draw the Petri-nets of the two dining philosophers as
a colored Petri-net.
- Draw the Java RMI call as a colored Petri-net. Make
sure that the same semantics are followed !
So, what is all this fuzz about Petri-nets ? It's a nice formalism
and people like it, that's true, but why do a certain kind of people
spend so many nights studying them ? To know how to answer these questions,
and increase the universal IQ of the human race a tiny little bit,
continue reading our intriguing saga, in which we introduce a number
of very appealing properties of Petri-nets. Properties that those
night-spending people like to call decidable, because they
define a problem for which an answer can be calculated in some automatic
way. In comparison to the answers given by mathematicians this is
a tremendous improvement since they often end up simply proving that
an answer exists to a certain problem without actually giving a way
to find it. On the other hand, this so called decidability,
often requires an exponential time to decide what they are supposed
to decide... even if it is a simple question. This, given the fact
that bare-to-the-metal programmers doesn't like exponential solutions
to decide short answers, such as 'yes' or 'no', to not so large questions,
such as for instance 'will this thing never stop ?', diminishes the
fun a bit.
Luckily the past couple of decades, model-checking specialists came
up with much better upper bounds to decide certain properties of Petri-nets...
of course, only if the Petri-nets follows certain rules, which most
computer scientists don't care about, they just like to think Petri-nets
are easy to validate... :
- Boundedness: A Petri-net is bounded if the set of all possible
markings generated by a petri-net is finite. This property
is decidable, it is even possible to check whether the maximum amount
of tokens arriving at one place doesn't become larger than
. In
this case a petri-net is called
- Reachability: A marking
is reachable from marking
under Petri-net
if there exists a sequence of transitions leading
This is a very important property because it allows us to decide whether
a certain error condition can be met or not. Recursively we can define
this as follows:
(1) |
- Deadlock-freedom: A Petri-net is deadlock free if every reachable
marking enables some transition. This property is decidable because
it can be reduced to the reachability problem.
- Liveness: A Petri-net is alive if every transition can always
occur again. Whether this is decidable or not is still an open question.
This will turn out to be an important property, because it tells us
that a certain concurrency strategy does not close any doors that
shouldn't be closed.
- Homestate-problem: A Petri-net has a home state
if this
marking can be reached from every other marking. The question to decide
now is whether a given marking is a homestate for a certain Petri-net.
This problem has shown to be decidable.
- Non-Termination: The question whether a Petri-net will never
terminate is generally speaking undecidable.
For a survey on the decidability of Petri-nets see [
All the above properties are valid on elementary nets and certain
colored petri-nets, depending on the expression language chosen within
the colored net. However, a lot of petri-net variants exists which
introduce somehow a check for the absence of a token. In such petri-nets
a transition can be enabled if there is
no token at a certain
place. If such a construction is added to a petri-net one loses all
decidability as is shown in chapter 7 of [
A reachability analysis of a Petri-net gives an answer how whether
we can reach a certain marking or not, often information is included
how this marking can be reached. Reachability is decidable [EN94].
However it might take a look time. Generally, it is NP-complete.
However for a lot of Petri-net classes better results exist. For instance:
- If the petri-net is symmetric then the reachability problem
is EXPTIME-complete (see glossary). A petri-net is symmetric when
for every transition
there is a transition
that undoes
the effect of the first transition and returns back to the original
marking. This is a property which is often found in concurrency interfaces.
Once a lock is obtained it is possible to release it again. However,
aside from this intuition nothing guarantees that the petri-net also
exhibits this behavior.
- If the petri-net is conflict-free and bounded
then reachability is decidable in P. (see glossary) A Petri-net is
bounded when there is a maximum to the number of possible tokens present
at a certain place. A Petri-net is conflict-free if for every possible
marking the net is persistent. A petri-net is persistent if for every
place with more than one enabled output transition, the execution
of one transition does not disable the other transition. In the case
of concurrency interfaces this is highly likely because normally multiple
transitions will not be enabled at once and the amount of resources
remains fixed.
Other extensions to petri-nets may harm these relatively positive
results. For instance:
- Reachability in timed petri-nets is NP-complete [LLPY97,BP96]).
- Our expression language is no standard language so we don't exactly
know whether all these proofs holds with the given language. I assume
it does, because the language does not allow destructive operations,
nor does it have access to a memory, nevertheless we cannot be sure
of this.
- Colored petri-nets makes all these formal approaches a bit problematic.
Expanding a colored petri-net to a simple petri-net may require an
infinite explosion, hence all these decidability criteria needs to
be investigated again.
The reachability of marking

from marking

is often
decided by creating a reachability-graph. Hereby the nodes of the
graph contain a marking and the arcs contain the transition that brings
one from marking a to marking b. Reachability is then decided by creating
a matrix containing on the X/Y-axis all possible nodes/markings. The
values within the matrix declare whether X is reachable from Y. If
it is a 1 is placed, if it isn't a zero is placed. With every step
more 1's are filled in by taking the transitive closure of the reachability
graph. This approach is formally very nice, drawback is that it takes
too much times since often we only want to know whether A is reachable
from B and not whether all possible A 's are reachable from all possible
B 's.
Another approach is the construction of an unfolding of a Petri-net
[ERV96]. An unfolding of a Petri-net is a new
petri-net, usually with an infinite but simpler structure. McMillan
proposed an algorithm for the construction of a finite initial prefix
of the petri-net, which contains full reachability information. However,
this information is difficult to generate, and can take a long time.
Therefore we didn't investigate this track further.
To ease the pain of deciding reachability, other tools are possible.
For instance it is possible to exploit symmetry between states by
only looking at one side of the symmetry. To feed the reader's intuition:
within a dining philosopher petri-net there is a 4 way symmetry. There
is no need in trying out every philosopher, which reduces the state
explosion drastically. how this can be done in practice is described
in detail in [Jør].
We will now formally define what a Petri-net is. This definition is
loosely based upon [Rei00]. Formally speaking, an
elementary PTNet is a triple
contains all
the states,
contains all the transitions and
contains the
flow relation, that is the linkage between states and transitions.
are finite sets.
For future reference we define
the places of Petri-net
the transitions of Petri-net
the flow relation of Petri-net
as the union of places and transitions of
The above formal definition of a Petri-net describes only the static
structure of a Petri-net. It doesn't contain any dynamic properties.
To add these we extend the definition with a dynamic aspect: the places
that contain a token, or in other words: the marking. A Petri-net
extended with a marking is called an elementary Petri-net.
An elementary Petri-net is a 4-tuple
describes the underlying Petri-net and
defines the marking (which
tokens are where).
is the initial marking, or the startup
tokens of the Petri-net. To define the transition from one Marking
to another (or from one elementary Petri-net to another elementary
Petri-net) we need to define pre- and post-conditions of a single
Informally, the above definition states that the precondition of
is the set of all elements, either places or transitions, which have
a link toward
. The postcondition of
is the set of all places
or transitions that have an outgoing link toward
. We can easily
extend this pre-, post-condition definition of a transition to a
set of transitions.
A transition
is enabled, given marking
if and only
if all preconditions of
hold for
and no postcondition of
holds for
. We will write this down formally as:
The notation
can be read as: transition
from Petri-net
is enabled under marking
When an enabled transition is executed the precondition of
the transition is removed from the marking and the postcondition of
the transition is added to the marking. We write this down as
This notation can be read as: under marking
the transition
of Petri-net
give rise to marking
A marking does not often gives rise to another uniquely defined marking.
Depending on the executed transition other markings could be the result.
This can be read as: Given marking
and Petri-net
, then
contains all the possible markings after one
Some properties of elementary Petri-nets are:
- Every place can contain at most one token. No duplicates are
- Tokens represent boolean values: true or false, no content can be
passed from one place to another
- Given a certain transition, the time necessary to check the preconditions
and post-conditions is known:
This is a nice property since it allows us to execute an elementary
Petri-net at a fixed rate.
We will now define Colored Petri-nets formally. The definition given
below is, to a large extent, based on the well known work of [Jen94].
However, other and often older definitions exists such as referenced
in [EK98].
Before we can explain the nitty gritty detail of colored Petri-nets
we need the ability to describe multiple tokens at the same place.
Since this is something that cannot be easily expressed with mathematical
sets, one resorts to multi-sets:
A multi-set is a set in which every element can occur multiple
times. Formally a multi-set
is defined over a certain underlying
as a function that maps every element of S to a natural number:
. The domain of the multi-set: the occurrence
counts of every possible element of
are called the coefficients
. All possible multi-sets associated with a certain set
will be denoted as
. This should not be compared
to the power-set, denoted
which is the set of all possible
A second preliminary before we can explain the formal side of colored
Petri-nets are expressions. The guards and actions work on
values. The way in which these are represented is currently left open,
any type of expression can be inserted into a colored Petri-net. For
example, one can use
expressions, or simple algebraic expressions.
One can choose whatever fits best. Of course, certain formal analysis
will no longer be possible if one chooses a language too expressive.
On the other hand, since we are not interested in model checking at
this stage we can safely choose
-expressions. Once one has
chosen an expression language one cannot change this anymore within
the same Petri-net. In the following definitions we will refer to
an expression as
(with a capital) refers to all possible
expressions. For every expression
it should be possible
to obtain the type and free variables. We should also be able to evaluate
it under a certain binding of values to variables:
- A type is a set of possible values, e.g; a type can be something like
or it can be something like
A type is not necessarily infinite. The boolean type:
will be referenced to as 'bool'.
returns the set of unbound variables within
returns the set of possible values the expression can
- A binding of a set variables
which associates with each element
an element out of
. So
- The value of an expression
under a certain binding
written down as
. The expression is evaluated
similarly to
calculus by substituting every variable
with the value
We are now ready to define a colored Petri-net formally: A CPNet is
a tuple

is a non empty set of types, called color sets.
are, similarly to low level Petri-nets, the places,
transitions and the flow relation between places and
. The flow relation A
contains tuples from
. This is in contrast
to the definition given in [Jen94], in which a node-function
is added to the Petri-net which maps an arc to such a tuple. This
little change however doesn't change any semantics associated with
the net as explained in [Jen94].
is a color function,
. This function associates
a type with every place. All tokens present at a place
must be
of type
is a guard function,
such that
Informally speaking, we associate with every transition an expression
(the set of all expression is called
). This expression should
result in a boolean type and all variables used within the expression
should be known, hence be part of
is an arc expression, or action:
the place of
is. The arc expression associates with
every arc an expression, which will be used to verify or create new
token-values. Every arc expression should evaluate to a set of tokens
(a multi-set over the different types allowed by the place).
contains input expressions as well as outgoing actions.
is an initialization function:
such that
has no free variables and
The above describes the static structure of a CPNet. To describe the
dynamic behavior of a CPNet we will do similar things as with the
low level elementary PTNets. First, describe what a marking is, then
describe when a transition is enabled and what happens when a transition
is executed. But before we do so, some syntactical sugar:
which returns the arcs
associated with the transition t.
A binding of a transition

is a function

such that
The set of all bindings for

is called

. A token element
is a couple



. A binding elements
is a couple



. The set of all
possible token elements is called

, the set of all possible binding
elements is called BE. Now we can define a marking:
A marking is a multi-set over
. The initial marking
is obtained from
as follows
(2) |
When is a transition

enabled ?
(3) |
This means that there must exist a binding satisfying the guard (
and all expressions placed on the incoming arcs result in something
of the correct type. When an enabled transition
is executed the
changes to
as follows :
(4) |
- [co-NP] A problem
is co-NP if
is NP. co-NP
problems often seem harder than NP problems, however it is still
an open question whether co-NP = NP.
- [EXPTIME] A problem of size
is EXPTIME if there is a constant
and the time to solve the problem takes at most
- [EXPTIME-complete] A problem is EXPTIME-complete if it is in EXPTIME
and other problems within EXPTIME are reducible to it. Essentially
this declares a class of problems which can be solved within exponential
time. It is known that EXPTIME
- [Non-deterministic] A machine is non-deterministic if it may execute
different branches parallel on the same input.
- [NP] A problem is NP if it can be solved in polynomial time by
a nondeterministic machine.
- [NP-complete] A problem is NP-complete if other NP-complete
problems can be reduced to it.
- [P] A problem of size
is P if there is a constant
the time to solve the problem is at most
- [P-complete] A problem is P-complete if it is in P and other problems
are reducible to it.
- [P-hard] A problem is P-hard if itself is not necessarily in P
but other P-problems may reduce to it.
Petri-nets have a number of very appealing properties. For an in-depth
discussion of all these properties of Petri-nets, see [KCJ98].
- They are specified by means of a graphical representation.
A representation that is intuitive and covers in one drawing enough
detail to understand what the represented model is about.
- Petri-nets have a description of both states and actions, this
in contrast to state diagrams or transition diagrams, which cover
only part of the behavior of a system.
- Colored Petri-nets even include data manipulation within the
Petri-net. A colored Petri-net covers state transition, state of a
system and data manipulation in one drawing.
- Petri-nets are a formalism that can describe a system at any
level of abstraction. Petri-nets can be used to describe the interaction
between high level modules as well as the full interaction within
these modules. Petri-nets can be described to specify a large variety
of different systems. This can be illustrated by pointing out the
number of practical situations in which Petri-nets have helped.
- The basic building blocks of Petri-nets are places, transitions
(and tokens for colored Petri-nets). These primitives are easy to
understand and very powerful.
- Petri-nets allows modularization of systems by means of hierarchical
decomposition. Petri-nets can be combined using certain operators,
which we will not discuss here. See [BFF+95] for
more information.
- For real time systems, Petri-nets can be extended with a time
concept. [PM93,BMAPY97]
- Petri-nets are stable toward minor changes of the modeled system.
This is proved by many practical experiences. It means that small
modifications of the modeled system does not require a complete rewrite
of the Petri-net. In many other description languages this is not
the case (e.g.: finite automaton).
- Petri-nets have a large number of formal analysis, by which
properties of the modeled system can be verified. This includes: construction
of occurrence graphs (which global states are reachable), calculation
of invariants (pre- and post- conditions checking), reductions
(shrink down a Petri-net but still preserve a number of properties)
and checking of structural properties (such as starvation).
- BFF+95
Eike Best, Hans Fleischack, Wojciech Fraczak, Richard P. Hopkins, Hanna
Klaudel, and Elisabeth Pelz.
A Class of Composable High Level Petri Nets with an Application
to the Semantics of
In Giorgia De Michelis and Michel Diaz, editors, Application
and Theory of Petri Nets, volume 935 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 103-120. Springer Verlag, 1995.
Describes a set of high level operations to compose
Marius Bozga, Oded Maler, Amir Pnueli, and Sergio Yovine.
Some Progress in the Symbolic Verification of Timed Automata.
In O. Grumberg, editor, Proc. 9th International Conference on
Computer Aided Verification (CAV'97), volume 1254, pages 179-190.
Springer Verlag, 1997.
Describes how BDD (Binary Decission Diagrams) can be used in
certain domains for a faster timing verification of large Petri Nets.
- BP96
Eike Best and Ctuscia Palamidessi.
Linear Constraint Systems as High-Level Nets.
In Ugo Montanari and Vladimiro Sassone, editors, CONCUR, volume
1119, pages 498-513. Springer Verlag, 1996.
Makes the mapping from linear programming to timed
Petri-nets. Also proves that constructing a reachability graph of timed
Petri-Nets is NP-complete.
- EK98
Mohammed Elkoutbi and Rudolf K. Keller.
Modelling Interactive Systems with Hierarchical Coloured Petri
Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Computing,
April 6-9 Boston 1998.
Given a set of UML usage scenarios, a Petri-net is
- EN94
Javier Esparza and M. Nielsen.
Decidability Issues for Petri Nets.
In Bulletin of the EATCS, volume 52, pages 115-129, February
A good introduction to the decidability issues of
- ERV96
Javier Esparza, Stefan Romer, and Walter Vogler.
An Improvement of McMillan's Unfolding Algorithm.
In Int'l Proceedings of Tools and Algorithms for Construction
and Analysis of Systems, volume 1055 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 87-106. Springer Verlag, 1996.
Explains the reason behind Petri-net unfolding, their
limitations and improves McMillans original algorithm.
- Jen94
K. Jensen.
An Introduction to the Theoretical Aspects of Coloured Petri
In J.W. de Bakker, W.P. de Roever, and G. Rozenberg, editors, A Decade of Concurrency, volume 803 of Lecture Notes In Computer
Science, pages 230-272. Springer Verlag, 1994.
Very good introduction to coloured petri nets. A must read
for everyone involved with petri-nets. Also covers formal analysis of Petri
- Jør
Jens Bæk Jørgensen.
Construction of Occurrence Graphs with Permutation Symmetries
Aided by the Backtrack Method.
Technical report, Computer Science Department, University of
Aarhus, Ny Munkegade, Bldg. 540, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
Explains how to detect self-symmetries during reachability
analysis by means of backtracking. However, not a published paper, it is a
very interesting read.
- KCJ98
Lars M. Kristensen, Soren Christensen, and Kurt Jensen.
The Practitioner's Guide to Coloured Petri-nets.
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology
Transfer, pages 98-132, 1998.
This paper provides a comprehensive road map to the
practical use of CPNets and the Design/CPN tool. The paper is self-contained
and does not assume any prior knowledge of Petri nets.
- LLPY97
K. Larsen, F. Larson, P. Pettersson, and W. Yi.
Efficient Verification of Real-Time Systems: Compact Data Structure
and State-Space Reduction.
In Presented at 18th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium. San
Francisca, California, USA, pages 14-24, December 1997.
Tries to solve the memory-requirements of reachability
checks of timed automata.
- Moo96
Simon W. Moore.
Data-flow machines.
University of Cambridge,
#compare, 25 April 1996.
Historically interesting pages. It is surprising to see how
the evolution of dataflow machines follows closely the evolution of Petri
- Pet81
James L. Peterson.
Petri Net Theory and the Modeling of Systems.
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, April 1981.
Chapter 7 describes how a number of extensions to Petri-nets
break certain decidability issues.
- PM93
P.Altenbernd and R. Milczewski.
Description of Timing Problems Using Petri Nets for
Level-Independent Timing Verification.
Int'l Proceeding ACM/SIGDA Workshop on Timing Issues in the
Specification and Synthesis of Digital Systems (TAU), August 1993.
Describes a number of complementary techniques to verify the
dynamic and static aspects of timed petri nets.
- Rei00
W. Reisig.
An Informal Introduction To Petri Nets.
Proc. 21st Int'l Conf on Application and Theory of Petri Nets,
Aarhus, Denmark, Humboldt University of Berlin, June 26-30 2000.
Although a difficult read, it's a good introduction to the
formal aspects of elementary Petri-nets.
- SJ75
G. J. Sussman and G. L. Steele Jr.
Scheme, an Interpreter for Extended Lambda Calculus.
December 1975.
The original paper that introduces Scheme. The paper itself
is written on a good old fashioned typewriter, and some nostalgy can be found
between the lines. A must read.
- ...1
- Instead of testing all transitions to a certain marking it would be
more useful to check only all postconditions of a marking.
- ...
- A Petri-net is said to be conservative if the total amount of tokens
present doesn't change over time.