1. Verwendung von Zeigern in C Programmen / Using Pointers in C Programs
Werner Van Belle1 - werner@yellowcouch.org, werner.van.belle@gmail.com
1- Yellowcouch;
Geklärt soll werden was Zeiger sind und wie Zeiger programmiert werden (Syntax); Wo liegen die Vorteile, wo sind Nachteile zu erkennen. Da Programmier-Anfänger oft Probleme mit Zeigern haben, sollen auch Fragen des Programmierstils und der Lesbarkeit von Programmen im Zusammenhang mit Zeigern angesprochen/diskutiert werden.
Werner Van Belle; Verwendung von Zeigern in C Programmen / Using Pointers in C Programs;
This tutorial explains what pointers are and how they can be used in
C. The tutorial also covers certain aspects regarding programming
style: how to avoid pointer problems.
Beginners often have difficulties understanding pointers, mainly
because; if they already have problems understanding the content of
regular variables, then
indirections to variables become an
even larger obstacle.
Secondly, and this is especially true for C, pointers are closely
related to the hardware at hand, the choice of compiler and compiler
options, and one should have a fairly correct view of the memory
layout of their program to be able to deal efficiently with
pointers. Although the C language specification makes some efforts to
shield the programmer from the hardware, it actually doesn't succeed
that well.

Let's start with the basics: a C program. The shown program has a main
routine which allocates 5 variables on its stackframe. These are
a, which is an unsigned character (or a byte),
which is an unsigned integer,
c which is an array of 5
integers and
i which is the counter we use to iterate over
elements. We also allocate a structure in the
variable which is of type
point, as declared above.
When the program start all these variables become allocated on the
stack, so let's have a look at a memory dump of our program.

In the shown memory dump, blue numbers are memory content and should
be read from left to right and top to bottom. Each row contains both a
decimal and hexadecimal representation. The red numbers are the
addresses. In the left column the segment is given (the base address
with a 0 in the last digit) and in the top row the offset that should
be added to obtain the correct address. For instance the top row
right element is 64 (0x40 hex) which has address 0xbff91dff. Now,
where are our variables stored ?

Variable a, with content
'D' is stored at address
0xbff91e1f. Variable
b is stored from address 0xbff91e18 to
0xbff91e1b. It is interesting to observer that this was clearly a 32
bit compiler, hence the 4 bytes necessary to store a normal
integer. The order in which the bytes are stored is determined by the
endianity of the hardware and will be represented differently if you
have a Motorala (as opposed to Intel) processor. Variable
contains an array of 5 unsigned integers and ranges from from address
0xbff91e04 to address 0xbff91e17. This is simply a consecutive series
of the 5 elements stored in the array, and consequently we can mark
the start and stop boundary of each individual integer. The point
a_structure is stored from 0xbff91df00 to
0xbff91dff and contains two doubles:
x and
y, both 8
bytes long.
Although I referred to a variable by its start and stop address, in
general, when people talk about 'the address of variable X', they
actually want to know the starting address. So in summary:
has address 0xbff91e1f,
b has address 0xbff91e18,
has address 0xbff91e04,
i has address 0xbff91e00,
a_structure has address 0xbff91df0,
has address 0xbff91df8 and
c[3] has address 0xbff91e10.
To understand that your variables are stored in memory and that they
have an
address is the first idea necessary to understand

However, is it sufficient to talk
only about the address of
something ? Suppose that I would ask what the content at address
0xbff91dfc were ? In this case one would look it up and say: 215
(0xd7), which would have been correct if we were talking about a
byte. However, often we might be referring to the integer stored at
this position, in which case we would need to take the next 4 bytes:
215, 227, 52, 64. (In which also depends on the endianity of the

It is not sufficient to point to a location, one should also have the
necessary understanding of the type we expect to find at an
address. In other words: to understand the
content of an
address one should know what type is supposed to be stored
there. Without this information neither the compiler (nor the human)
can guess what we are actually referring too.
type to which we refer is the second idea that is necessary
for the understanding pointers.
A Pointer is an address and an expected type. The
address is runtime information and is just a number that, as any other
ordinary value, can be passed around. The expected type is compile
time information such that the compiler knows what to do when it sees
the address. The combination of both is called a pointer.
Next, we will look into how we can declare pointers and use them in C.
Because pointers are addresses that can be used
as value, we need some way to store them in variables, and that in
turn means that we need some way to declare variables of a pointer
In C a pointer is declared as
Type * varname, in which
Type tells the compiler what type to expect at the address
contained in the variable
varname. The * makes clear to the
compiler that we are not talking about a variable of Type in this
In the provided examples:
A is a pointer to a
B is a pointer to an integer and
Root is
a pointer to a node structure. These three variables will each contain
an address, so they will all be of the same size; 4 bytes on a 32 bit
compiler and 8 bytes on a 64 bit compiler.
A mistake that might be confusing is the fact that the star in a
declaration associates with the variable name. If we write
A, B as a means to declare A as a pointer to a character and B as
a pointer to a character, then we will find that the compiler
interprets this as A being a pointer to a character and B just a
character. If we wanted to write the former, we should have written
char*A, *B
We can also add extra stars if we want, in which case we create
pointers to pointers. E.g:
char** a is a pointer to a pointer
to a character. This is sometimes used to create multidimensional

To demonstrate how such pointers appear at runtime we fall back onto
the knowledge that strings in C are actually 'pointers to characters',
and every time we write a string literal. E.g; "zero terminated
string" then the compiler will allocate this string -or rather this
sequence of character- in the data segment and replace the literal
with the starting address of the sequence.

The memory dump shows the content of 2 memory ranges. The first is our
data segment, starting at address 0x804..., the second is our runtime
stack, stored in the stack segment, starting at 0xbfb...
In this program the compiler placed our zero terminated string at
address 0x8049649. This address is then assigned to variable
a, which is a pointer to a character.
a itself is
stored in the stack segment at address 0xbfba8240 and the content of
a is '0x8049649', which is the address of our string. So
a is pointing to the start of our string. In typical computer
science fashion we also draw cloud and arrow.
Operations on the address
Pointers can appear in two types of
expressions. One type deals with the addresses, the other with the
content at the address pointed too. We start by describing a number of
operations that only work upon the address.
runtime, a pointer is merely an address which is used as a value. If
we assign one pointer to another, then we just copy the address. The
content of the pointers (that is the memory to which is pointed by the
pointer) is not touched upon in any way.
This means that it becomes possible to have two variables referring to
the same content. In the example, both variables
a and
b will be pointing to the same string.
Another address operation are addition (+),
subtraction (-), incrementing (++) and decrementing (--)
pointers. Such operations take the address and treat it as if it were
an integer.
a is a pointer to char (with address 0x0001 for instance),
a+5 will be a pointer to a character as well, but with
address 0x0006 instead.
Now, here is of course a tricky situation: the compiler is
sufficiently smart to take into the account the size of the pointed-to
a were an
int* then
a+5 would be 21
(dec) because 21=1+5*4 (the size of an integer). This trick makes it
possible to map array arithmetic onto pointer arithmetic and vice

This illustrates the memory layout of two such pointers.
points to a string at address 0x8049649 and
b, calculated as
a+5, is 0x80496e4, which is 5 characters down in string.
Address of
The next operation that deals with addresses is
the 'address of'-operator, written as an
If we have an expression
Expr that is of a certain type
Type, then taking the address of this expression is done with
&Expr. This will return the startaddress of the expression at
runtime. The type of the compound expression
&Expr is
The example allocates first: 4 normal variables, after which we, in
the second part, declare 5 pointers:
ptr4 and
ptr5. In the third part we
start assigning the addresses of the variables to these pointers.
We will now have a look at these various assignments.

The first assignment of
&a to
ptr1 takes the address
a, which is 0xbf98981b and places this in
ptr1. The type of
&a is a pointer to a character
a itself is a character.

We can continue assigning all these addresses to the various
&s has as type 'pointer to a point structure'
(written as
struct point*) and is assigned to
which is of the same type.
&s.y has type 'pointer to a double' (written as
double*) and is assigned to
ptr3 which is of the
same type. The address of
s.y lies in the middle of the
s structure.
&c[3] has type
unsigned int* and is indeed assigned
to an
unsigned int* in

Now an unexpected possibility arises at
is declared as a 'pointer to a point structure'. We however assign
&b to it, but
&b is a pointer to an unsigned
integer. This clearly makes no sense, so will the compiler object ?
The answer is no:
the compiler does compile this, although it
might give a warning, it will take the address of
(0xbf989814) and place it in
Later on we will see what problems this causes.
Using Pointer Content
Up to now we saw how can deal with the
addresses contained in a pointer. Of course, passing addresses around
is nice and makes sharing of data structures possible. It does however
not explain us how we can use the content of a pointer. For that
purpose we need some extra syntax.
To refer (and consequentyle read or write) to the content of a
pointer, one uses the
* operator in front of the
expression. If
Expr is of type
T*, then
*Expr is of type
The example declares two variables
a and
b, after
which we assign the address of
a to
ptr1. To use the
content of
ptr1 (the character), we write
*ptr1. If
we do so the program will start dealing with the content at this
address as if it were a character and in this case assign the letter
'F' to it. Because
ptr1 refers to a memory location
also occupied by variable
a, we effectively modified the
content of
a as well. When we print
a we will see
that it has become an
'F' instead of

To make the distinction between
address and
operations clear, we introduce an example that relies on both.
We again use variables
a and
b, both
ptr1 and
ptr2 are both pointers to
ptr1 is initialized to the address of
and pointer
b is initialized to the address of
In the next statement
ptr2 is assigned to
ptr1. In this statement the
address contained in
ptr2 is placed in
ptr1. So
ptr1 and
ptr2 both point to a memory location also occupied by
In the next statement
*ptr1='F' we assign to the content of
the memory to which is pointed (hence
*ptr1). Thereby
we effectively modify variable
ptr1 and
ptr2 point to memory occupied by variable
a and
b respectively.
ptr1 receives the address contained in
ptr2 and now
points also to

Writing to the content of
ptr1, written as
results in a modification of variable
Bad Aliases
Let's now come back to the
ptr5 issue we
discussed before.
ptr5 is a pointer to a
structure. However, the address we passed into
ptr5 was
actually pointing to an integer. The compiler will probably warn you
about this issue, but will otherwise happily contiue with the
So what will happen now if were to write
(*ptr5).x=0 ?

(*ptr5).x=0 means that write to the memory pointed to
ptr5 (which starts thus at address 0xbf989814). If we
write to this address the compiler assumed that a double is stored
there (
point.x is a
double) and will this write 8
bytes (a double is 8 bytes long) with value 0. In this case the range
0xbf989814 to 0xbf98981b will be affected, thereby affecting both
b and
a in a fairly unpredictable fashion.
This is a bad thing (tm) and the main reason why pointers are such a
dangerous tool. If you use a pointer that is declared to be of the
wrong type then you might end up in deep shit.
Why pointers
In the remainder of this tutorial we focus on
the reasons behind, and the uses of, pointers.
Data sharing
The first major advantage offered by pointers is
that of
sharing of data. Since multiple pointers can refer to
the same address, it becomes possible to affect multiple data
structures (all pointing to the same address) by only modifying the
content at this address.
Suppose we have a
point that has two fields
x and
y, both
pointing to a
If we then declare 4 points top-left (
tl), top-right
tr), bottom-left (
bl) and bottom-right
br) such that the
y coordinate of the top-left and
top-right points, refer both to the
same address, in this case
the address of a double called
top, then a modification to
top will directly affect both point.
Call by Reference
Using the possibility to share data between
different sections of the program makes it also possible to speed up
programs. Instead of passing along full structures and their complete
content, we could as well pass a pointer along.
This is particularly useful if we think about larger structures, such
as a line in our example. Instead of passing around 32 bytes we could
only pass along a reference. However, let us first look at the
'normal' method of passing values.

In a normal pass-by-value program we can declare functions that take
structures as arguments. Each time a function is called the runtime
copies the structure onto the stack and the callee will deal with the
received structure. In this example
print_point is called
twice from within
print_line, so it will copy 2 times 16
bytes onto the stack (16 bytes because a point contains 2 doubles,
each 8 bytes).
print_line itself afterwards requires the copying of
the 32 bytes of the line structure. So in total we copied 64 bytes
just to print a line.

To modify the above program to use references (or pointers) instead of
structures we need to declare that
print_point accepts a
pointer to a point structure instead of a
point structure.
When doing so, we should also pay attention to the body of
print_point. It must be written slightly different because it
first needs to dereference
p before it can obtain the x and y
fields of the structure.
And the last necessary modification is that we need to pass a pointer
print_point instead of a
itself. Consequently, we need to take the addresses of the fields
a and
b in our line
l, which is given by
&l.a and
Doing the math shows that the runtime now only needs to copy 2 times 4
bytes (which is the size of an address) and 32 bytes for the original
print_line. 40 bytes instead of 64 bytes.

We can go a step further and also pass the
line structure as
pointer to a line structure instead of a
line structure.
To do this,
print_line needs to accept a
line* argument and instead of directly using
l, it needs
to dereference it first.
In this case the runtime only copies 12 bytes, which -if we only look
at memory copy operations- is a speedup larger than a factor 5
compared against the pass-by-value method.

The more observant of you my have noticed that the previous program
became hard to read and expressions such as
&((*l).b) are
probably the reason why pointers confuse people without end.
In C there is a shorthand notation to avoid such convoluted
expressions. Instead of writing (*ptr_to_structure).field one can also
write ptr_to_structure->field.
That means that
&((*l).b) can be written as &l->b

Using the
-> notation we obtain the following rewrite.

One of the dangers of passing values as a reference lies in the
modified semantics. When passing values as reference the value is
shared accross various parts of the program instead of copied.
Suppose we have a
print_point that affects our point
structure by setting the
x field to
0 (this is
admittedly a rather stupid 'printing' function). This assignment will
also affect the caller and aven the line passed into
print_line. =img48.png To demonstrate the difference between
call-by-reference and call-by-value we need to look at the stack
frames. The left part of the picture illustrates passing by
value. Each structure is pushed onto the stack. The right stackframe
on the other hand has been passing pointers around instead. When we
write to
p.x (or
p->x in the second case) we observe
the following:
left: the effect remains local (the print_point
stackframe will be removed and thus the caller doesn't notice any
right: the print_point and print_line
frames will be removed, but the effect remains visible to the
Memory Management
Pointers are also helpfull to dynamically
allocate memory. We don't always know at compile time how much data
our program will need. This means that we need to allocate the memory
at runtime, and that means in turn that we need to work dynamically
with newly generated addresses. Essentially, we want to allocate and
deallocate memory.
The C library offers such functionality through functions as
free and
so on. To understand what they return we need to look into three new
First is the fact that memory management
functions return
void*, this is not a pointer to the
void data structure, it is instead a pointer to
void* is just an address without type
information. void* is called a void pointer, or a generic
Type casting
Because void pointers are only
addresses the compiler can never generate code to deal with the
content of these addresses. As such, before a void pointer becomes
usable we need to type-cast it to a proper pointer-type. This is done
through a regular type cast:
(T*)(Expr) will cast
Expr into a type
The last aspect of memory allocation is that such
functions can return a
NULL pointer.
pointer is a pointer that contains as address the value 0x0000.
NULL pointers are valuable to denote that something doesn't exist yet,
something no longer exists or as a type of special return value. NULL
is an invalid pointer that refers to memory that should not be
accessed. Writing (and even reading in some systems) will cause your
program to fail. =img53.png Sadly enough, not only NULL pointers can
be invalid.
Suppose that I would assign a random integer to a pointer. This would
mean that the pointer would contain as address this random integer and
thus point to a random memory location. Since we cannot know at
program writing time what will be stored at this location (if there is
stored anything related to our program at all), accessing such address
will cause our program to crash, or might lead to spurious erratic
You might be writing to a random location in your data segment, stack
segment, or even code segment. You might as well be writing to a
random location in the segments of other programs (this is true on
systems without hardware supported memory protection), or you could be
writing to the kernel memory (on very old systems such as the Atari
6052 processors). Clearly, such invalid pointers are quite painful
because we cannot recognize them simply by looking at the address.
In practice however an invalid pointer is not always direct invalid,
it might as well refer to memory that belongs to our program, but not
to what you expect. E.g: Our
ptr5 example where we casted a
pointer to the wrong type.

How can we avoid invalid pointers ?
Tip #1: The first step is of course to notice compiler warnings
where the compiler tells you that you are casting something to an
incompatible type.
Tip #2: The dereferencing of a NULL pointer can happen if we
don't check against NULL, so it is always useful to ensure that a
pointer is not NULL before dereferencing it. An
statement is a useful tool to do this since it can be compiled out.
Tip #3: When you
free an address it might make sense
to set the pointers referring to that address to
afterwards. This makes it possible at a later stage to verify whether
the pointer is invalid.
Tip #4: Initialize pointers. In C variables are not
automatically initialized, which means that if you do not set a
pointer to NULL it will be pointing to a random (and very likely
invalid) address. Just make sure to set them to NULL or to a sensible
value after initialization. This is also true if we allocate a
structure. In that case, allocate the necessary memory, cast the void
pointer to whatever structure you want and initialize the content of
that structure.

Another source of pointer mayhem is due to pointer arithmetic
Tip #5: If you allocate an array of size N, then you can index
that array from 0 to N-1. Although most people know this, they often
make errors against this. The best trick to avoid this is to introduce
bound checks such as
assert(i<size && i>=0)
Tip #6: If you use a pointer to walk through memory
ptr++, or
ptr--) make sure you notice a zero
terminating byte.
Tip #7: Do not use functions that do not take the size of the
target location into account. Notorious examples are
gets and some other C library functions. These have caused so
many breaches of security that it would be worthwhile to figure out
which type of brain damage caused somebody to declare these to be part
of the C library.
Tip #8: Use memory allocation debuggers (e.g: efence,
dmalloc). These have a large repertoire of possibilities such as
putting a signature in front and behind each allocated memory block
(if it changed at deallocation time, the memory got corrupted). They
can also report which pieces of memory were not properly deallocated.
Tip #9: Avoid the use of the
& operator. Very few high
level programming languages still offer this operator and in a well
designed program it has little place. There are however two other good
reasons why we should avoid this. First of all: it allows one to take
the address of a structure allocated on the runtime stack. As soon as
you pass this structure back to the caller, the structure will be
removed but the pointer will remain, making it an invalid
pointer. Secondly: and this is related to C++ programs. Using an
& declaration instead of a
* declaration results in
slower code with GCC.
Tip #10: One could use pointer arithmetic
*(ptr+5) to
deal with arrays. One can also use array indices
ptr[5]. The
latter is more readable and in most situations leads to more efficient
code since the compiler knows that
ptr5 will not be modified
in the inner loop of a for statement.

There is an entire collection of invalid pointers caused by poor
memory management: freeing an invalid pointer, freeing the same
structure multiple times, freeing content of a structure that is still
referenced elsewhere. And not as painful, but also tentative of a
crappy design: forgetting to free the content of date structures, or
worse: being unable to decide whether the content of a structure
should be freed or not.
This type of errors often indicate poor program design.

Program documentation is important for yourself and co-developers. The
easiest way to do that is to specify for each variable whether it can
be NULL, whether it might or should not be modified further down and
who owns the memory (and thus who should manage it).
As example: consider a function that will put a key and value in a
high level data structure as means of a cache. In this case we could
say that both key and value can be NULL. Which is not directly obvious
since the key will be compared with other keys, so the fact that this
function can deal with a NULL key is important information. We also
know that the content of key will not be modified by the
cache. However it is necessary to know that the caller should after
passing the key into this function not modify the content of key
either (with the main reason being that a modification to the key will
screw up the sorting in the cache). The content of value on the other
hand can change since hte cache doesn't read the content of
value. Neither key nor value will be owned by the cache, so the caller
is responsible for deallocating the memory. Which also means that the
key should be removed from the cache before it is deallocated.
Tip #11: document pointers: who owns pointers, will pointers
modify, are they allowed to be modified by the caller, can they be
NULL, can we write to the content ?

Depending on the compiler, hardware and compiler options, there exist
a number of esoteric issues with pointers, which often have to do with
memory protection schemes and pointer sizes.
On a Solaris system for instance it is possible to read
*(0x3) as a character, but if you try to read it as an
integer you will get a bus error.
Some compilers (Borland C) make it possible to work with long and
short pointers. This just confuses people since they need to figure
out how to convert them to each other.
Tip #12: Avoid short pointers, long pointers and features
provided to you by your specific version of a compiler. Stick to one
pointer interpretation that is all encompassing.
Tip #13: Avoid memory protection schemes that alias memory for
the sheer joy of it (e.g: mmapping the same file to different parts in
memory is possible, but should maybe not be done, since you will not
be able to tell by looking at the pointers that they are effectively
the same content).
Tip #14: avoid writing to memory that is supposed to remain
constant (e.g: writing to the content of a string literal. It's not
entirely sure whether the compiler shared the same literals or not.)

Regarding programming style there are two other tips that can be
given. The first is that a function should work in its locality and
should not reach too far out of its data space. This is essentially a
modified version of the Law of Demeter is (which was defined for
object oriented programs), but it remains quite valid:
Tip #15: a function should only access its arguments, locally
instantiated variables, global variables and
direct fields in the
above, but not a second indirection.
A good argument why expressions such as
a->b->c are a bad
thing is that we never checked whether
a->b is not
NULL. If we need to use double indirefctions too often, we
might think about rewriting the function to deal with
instead of a itself.

The second tip that helps with programming style are
handles. A
handle is a structure that represents a void pointer. These are
particularly successful if you need to design an API towards your
library that can be used by other programmers
Tip #16: Handles are structures that contain only a void
pointer. The library will cast these handles to proper pointers before
using them. This makes it possible for the library user to be
blissfully unaware of the internal structures of the library. This
means that the library is responsible for memory management, again
something the library user doesn't need to care about and the library
user doesn't need to work too much with those darn stars.
High level data structures
Another use of pointers where it
is actually
necessary are high level data structures such as
lists (doubly linked or not), trees (balanced or not) and other
structures that can refer to themselves.
In this example, we see how a double linked list of 4 elements is
represented in memory. The cell structure itself refers to a previous
and a next element, which is again of type cell'. This circular
reference could not be written without a pointer since that would mean
that the compiler would crash or be busy ad infinitum while
calculating the size of the cell structure.

In such high level data structures NULL pointers play an important
role since they designate the end of the data structure. However, a
good way to avoid needing to check continuously against NULL pointers
is to use sentinels. Instead of setting the first and last element of
a list to NULL we could allocate two structure that designate the
first and last element of the list. Any insertion into the list will
now be done after the start-sentinel, meaning that the code no longer
needs to check whether the newly inserted element happens to be the
first,. or the last, or both. The same is true for delete
operations. Quite a lot of the insertion and deletion logic becomes
much simpler if we create two fake cells.
Tip #17: Use sentinels in high level data structures. They tend
to make the algorithms simpler, faster and by not introducing NULL
pointers at every possible location also make it possible to omit NULL
Although this starts to be related to object
oriented programming, many C programs need some way to represent and
deal with data structures that have extra data attached. For instance
in a graphics library a pointer to a graphics object could be a
pointer to a point, a pointer to a line, a pointer to a square and so
on. Casting such 'graphics object pointer' into the proper type is not
possible without the adding of runtime type information. Of course,
the danger is clear: casting to the wrong type will lead to great
In this tutorial we saw what pointers are, how to
declare them, how to use the address and the content of a
pointer. Pointers turned out the be necessary for data sharing, pass
by reference, memory management, high level data structures and
polymorphic content.
Because pointers offer you a very powerful tool, compilers cannot
verify the correctness of your program and you are left to your own
devices to deal and avoid invalid pointers.
Tips to avoid pointer problems
1. Listen to the compiler when it tells you that you
are assigning pointers of incompatible type.
2. Check whether a pointer is NULL before using it.
3. After freeing a pointer set it to NULL.
4. Initialize pointers, also in
freshly (and/or dynamically) allocated structures.
5. Do
bound checking on array content, whether you access the array as
pointer or as index: assert(i<size && i>=0)
6. When
walking through memory (ptr++, or ptr--) make sure you notice a null
terminating byte.
7. do not use functions that do not take
the size of the target into account. Notorious examples are strcpy,
gets and some other C library functions.
8. Use memory
allocation debuggers such as efence, dmalloc and others.
Avoid the use of the & operator. Very few high level programming
languages still offer this operator and in a well designed program it
has little place.
10. use array indices instead of pointer
11. document pointers: who owns pointers, will
pointers modify, are they allowed to be modified by the caller, can
they be NULL ?
12. Avoid short pointer, long pointers and
features provided to you by your specific version of a compiler. Stick
to one pointer interpretation that is all encompassing.
13. Avoid memory protection schemes that alias memory for the
sheer joy of it.
14. avoid writing to memory that is
supposed to remain constant (e.g: writing to the content of a string
literal. It's not entirely sure whether the compiler shared the same
literals or not.)
15. a function should only access its
arguments, locally instantiated variables, global variables and
direct fields in the above, but not a second indirection.
16. Make the user of your library use handles instead of
17. Use sentinels in high level data
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