immuno-blotted gels, isoelectric focusing
(IEF) using 7 cm pH 3-10 strips (Zoom Strip, Invitrogen Corp.,
CA, USA) was performed at 200 volt (V) for 40 minutes, 450 V for 30
minutes, 750 V for 30 minutes and 2000 V for 60 minutes following
the manufacturers' instructions. Following IEF, the strips were
for 15 minutes in LDS sample buffer (Invitrogen Corp., Carlsbad, CA,
USA) containing 100 mM DTT and then 15 minutes in LDS sample buffer
containing 125 mM iodacetamide. The second dimension was run on a
NuPAGE Novex 4 to 12 % Bis-Tris ZOOM Gel (Invitrogen). Thereafter,
the proteins were transferred to polyvinylidene fluoride membrane
(GE Healthcare Bio-sciences AB, Uppsala, Sweden) by standard
p53 protein was detected using primary Bp53-12 antibody (Santa Cruz
Biotechnology, CA, USA) and secondary horse radish peroxidase
mouse antibody (Jackson ImmunoResearch, West Grove, PA, USA). The
horse radish peroxidase was excited using the Supersignal West Pico
or Supersignal West Femto system (Pierce Biotechnology, Inc., Rockford,
IL, USA) and visualized by standard chemiluminescence conditions on
a Kodak image station 2000R (Eastman Kodak Company, Lake Avenue,
Spot detection - Images were
acquired with
Kodak 1D software, v1.6 and exported in TIFF format with a resolution
of 300 dots-per-inch (DPI). Twelve native and denoised Sypro Ruby
stained 2-DE gels were analyzed with PDQuest (Bio-rad, v7.2.0) using
different spot detection parameters. The default spot detection
were: sensitivity 5.37, size scale 3 min peak 3206, horizontal streak
33, vertical streak 33, background radius 23, median filtering, kernel
size 3x3 and speckle filter sensitivity 50. These parameters were
then tuned one by one, including background radius increase to 30,
sensitivity decrease to 15, minimum peak decrease to 2800, and the
filter used (weighted mean smoothing, power mean smoothing, contra
mean smoothing, adaptive smoothing and no smoothing). The spot
variance was calculated by averaging the absolute difference between
the mean and the detected number of spots (See Table
Table 1: Detected spots in native and denoised images of
12 Sypro Ruby stained gels using 9 different spot detection methods.
Section A documents the number of spots detected before denoising.
Section B documents the number of spots detected after denoising.
Because denoising alters spot amplitudes, the number of detected spots
lowers (to 76%). The variance measure reveals that denoising decreases
the impact tuning of spot detection parameters has on the number of
detected spots. See Material and Methods for details on the parameters
Simulated gels - To test the
impact of denoising on Gaussian shaped spots, we created a test image based on dummy spots,
defined as
(1) |

is the center position,


are respectively the width and height and

is the amplitude
of the dummy spot. Based on this Gaussian bump we made different
images (Fig.
Automated gel overlay alignment using cross correlation -
The alignment between two images


obtained by finding the translation of image



This position was found in the cross
correlation image, defined as

, which
was calculated as

* is conjugation.


are respectively
forward and backward Fourier transforms. For more information on cross
correlation see Gonzalez and Woods [[
10]]. Wrap around
effects have been avoided by extending both images with a mean padded
border. The image acquisition region covered by the camera did not
allow shifts larger than 10% of the image size, therefore we searched
for the best cross-correlation only within a limited range.
Automated orientation of gels - Detection
of gel orientation was performed using the Hough transform [[
on native and denoised images. The Hough transform maps every point
of an image onto the image of a sine wave. All sine wave images are
added together to form the Hough transformed image. The abcis of the
maximum element in the transformed image relates directly to the angle
of the 2-DE gel. The Hough transform is defined as

in which

the Dirac delta function [[

is the angle of the investigated line and

is the
distance from that line to the origin. To increase the sensitivity
of the algorithm, histogram equalization has been performed using
4 bins. Gonzales and Woods [[
10]] contains more
information on Hough transforms.
Image representation - We use
capital letters
to denote the image matrices. E.g:

denotes an image, which is
an element of



are the
width and height of the image. Pixel positions are written using

refers to the gray value of the
pixel at position

in image

. Adhering to common
interpretation, a gray
value of 0 is black and a gray value of 1 is white. The algorithm
requires that gel images have black spots on a white background: where
the protein expression is large, the gray-value is small. Preliminary
image inversion might be necessary to fulfill this requirement (step

in Fig.
Figure 2: Image denoising flowchart
- The denoising process estimates the background intensities (step 2)
and uses them to obtain the relative protein expression (step 3). All
non relevant information (protein expression lower than the estimated
background) is removed through thresholding (step 4) and median
filtering (step 5). Input images should have black spots on a white
background. If the original images have white spots on a black
background (A) they should be inverted (step 1 and 6), see Results and
Discussion section. Image denoising is useful for many applications,
including visualization, gel orientation, gel alignment and spot.
Estimating background variations
- The denoising
algorithm estimates the background using a smoothing low pass filter
(step 2 in Fig.
2). If

is the
native input
image (Fig.
2B), then the smoothed image

2C) is defined as
(2) |

the window size of the filter, which determines the accuracy by which
the background variation will be estimated. The actual filter window

should be larger than the size of the spots we want
retain. This filter has zero-phase response, which means that spots
will not be shifted over the surface.
Denoising through contrast enhancement -
The third step in the algorithm relates all positions to their
background. Division of the native image

by the

creates the relative strength image (Fig.
(3) |
intense spots are represented as black, which
has a low numerical value, positions with a spot intensity larger
than their background will have a smaller numerator (

) than

), resulting in values below 1. Similarly, areas
with less expression
than the neighboring background will have pixel values larger than
Thresholding - Under the
assumption that
only spots more intense than the background are relevant, the image
is limited to values within range

describes the threshold value which defines the
maximum allowed
image intensity. All positions larger than

will be set

In normal conditions

should be

. Eq.
4 formalizes
(4) |
we might enhance 'salt and pepper'
10]] noise
during the contrast enhancement process
3), we remove small dots using a
median filter
of a smaller size

defined as
(5) |
A median filter will remove all features that are smaller than half
of the window size. Therefore
should be much smaller
the size of the spot size we want to retain.
Software and implementation - The denoising
algorithm was written in IDL (Interactive Data Language version) 6.1
as implemented by RSI Systems [[
17]] and executed under
Linux (, running a 2.6.12-2 kernel. The algorithm takes
four arguments. The integer

parametrizes the
area-size of
the features to remove, the integer

parametrizes the area-size
of the features to retain. The optional floating point number

parametrizes the threshold (Eq.
4), which
by default
is set to 1.0. Under normal circumstances this is a good choice.
of much white noise might require a decreased

to e.g.,
0.9. The
white_spots boolean can be set
when the
image has white spots on a black background. It will then automatically
invert the image before and after the actual denoising. The software
can be used online at
FUNCTION denoise, image, s1, s2, c = 1.0, white_spots = 0
if white_spots then image = max(image) - image ; invert if necessary
bg = median(image,s2) ; calculate the background variations
im = image / bg ; remove them through division
im <= c ; select only areas darker than the environment
im >= 0 ; no -inf number when dividing by -0
im = median(im,s1) ; remove details and return
if white_spots then im = max(im)-im ; back inversion
return, im
Results and Discussion
Improved visualization - The main
advantage of the presented algorithm is its ability to improve
by adaptively enhancing the image contrast. Gel intensities varied
widely in our immuno-blot 2-DE experiments. Presence of speckle, white
noise [[
10]], a
poor gray value resolution, over-saturation,
air bubbles and other artefacts made automatic spot detection difficult
and prompted us to do preliminary gel analysis by hand. Elimination
of background variations (See Fig.
2 for
enabled us to acquire a better understanding of the different spot
patterns. Fig.
3 shows denoised images of
Sypro Ruby gels and gels with

phosphoprotein. Spots
below the visual threshold in the native image become more visible
and have more distinct positioning after denoising. The first
demonstrates sharpening of spots. The Sypro Ruby gel shows how
introduced through air under the gel are removed as well. The very
dark spots in the denoised

labeled gel are
places where the phosphoimaging plate has been over-saturated by
Denoising can help researchers in observing spots that are relevant
but below their visual threshold.
Image orientation - We tested the denoising algorithm
as a pre-processor for gel orientation (see Material and Methods and
Supplementary Table 'orient.xls'). Based on 73 different immuno-blots,
we observed that the number of errors (angles deviating more than
3 degrees of the manual assessment) was reduced from 11% to 4%.
Without denoising, the mean angle deviation was 1.11 degree and 0.65
degree with denoising, showing an accuracy increase by a factor 1.71.
4 shows how the background
variations might
influence the 2-DE gel orientation.
4 - Denoising Improves Automatic Orientation of 2DE Images - Two examples on how
denoising helps in determining the orientation of a gel. Without
denoising the background variations might influence the measured
orientation. The black lines shows the measured direction(s) on the
different images using a Hough transform (see Material and Methods).
Equally optimal directions are all shown, possibly resulting in
multiple directions for the same image. The left column shows two
original images (A, C). The right column shows their denoised versions
(B, D).
Image alignment - Alignment is necessary to
compare two 2-DE
gel images with a slightly different information content. Spot position
comparison can reveal important differences between biological samples.
Therefore we also relied on 2-DE gel images from slightly different
biological systems. After manual alignment and orientation of 73 2-DE
gel images (based on 2 known spots) we randomly selected 1050 image
pairs. For every pair we calculated the overlay alignment as described
in Material and Methods. An alignment was considered to be a hit when
it deviated no more than 1 mm (or 12 pixels at 300 DPI) from the manual
alignment. Without denoising, the alignment procedure performed correct
in 48% of the cases, while denoising increased the hit rate to 61%.
In the native images, the error (or misalignment) has a standard
of 25.7 pixels while this decreased to 18.59 pixels using the denoised
images. Fig. 5 shows how the presence of
background variations might influence overlay alignment. Supplementary
Table 'align.xls' contains all couples.
5 -
Denoising improves alignment algorithms- Comparison of
expression profiles from different gels requires proper image
alignment. Cross correlation is a common technique to align two images
(see Material and Methods). This figure illustrates how background
variations can lead to wrong alignments. The top row (A,B) shows the
native gels participating in the alignment. Rectangle a and b mark areas
with strong background variations. The bottom row
shows the aligned images. (C) Without denoising, the background
variations a and b superimpose, illustrating how the alignment
algorithm was misguided by the background. (D) After denoising, cross
correlation properly superimposes the protein spots. Denoising ran with
(s1=3 and s2=23, c=0.9).
Signal-to-background ratio - The signal-to-background
ratio was calculated by dividing the gel maximum intensities by the
gel mean intensities. The averaged signal-to-background ratio was
4.76 for non denoised images and 147.83 for denoised imaged, indicating
an increase in signal level by a factor 31. Assessment of background
stability has been performed by calculating the normalized standard
deviation. Without denoising the RMS was 0.1, while after denoising
this became 0.06. In our experiments, denoising removed 36% of the
signal variance, while still improving the analysis properties of
the 2-DE gel images. Supplementary Table 'energy.xls' contains the
detailed information.
Spots shrink and expression strength information is lost -
We made different simulation images based on
Gaussian bumps (See Material and Methods), which were then denoised.
The simulations (Fig.
shows that Bumps larger than the filter window are quickly removed, but
also that expression information is lost under the influence of
variations. Fig.
1E has a broad
spot which disappears after denoising, without influencing other spots
1F). Whereas, denoising of
which has a background spreading out over the other spots, diminishes
the two lower spots (Fig.
This illustrates
the danger of using this method as an immediate pre-processor for
quantitative analysis
. Additionally, the
simulation shows that
spots are narrowed down to their central position because their side
flanks are attenuated.
Figure 1: Denoising of simulated Gaussian
spots - When spots become larger they look more as background
variation. Therefore we tested the denoising algorithm on images with a
stepwise increasing background spot. The top row are the native images
(A, C, E, G), the bottom row are the denoised counterparts (B, D, F,
H). Every image is 600x400 pixels. The central spot sizes are marked as
delta. The size of the filter window is shown using straight black
lines. As long as the window contains most of the spot, no attenuation
occurs. When spot size delta becomes larger than the window, quick
attenuation occurs (D, F) until it is removed completely (H). Denoising
does not translate spots but will sharpen their positioning, providing
valuable input into algorithms for alignment and orientation. The
impact of background removal on the strength of nearby spots is
apparent (H) and indicates that the algorithm cannot be used
quantitatively. Spot alpha illustrates the threshold c. Because the
spot is too weak it is removed by the denoising algorithm.
Spot detection in native and denoised images of Sypro Ruby 2-DE gels -
To verify the impact of denoising on spot
detection we used PDQuest to find spots in 12 Sypro Ruby stained 2-DE
gels. Sypro Ruby stained gels were chosen for their relative low
variance, thereby unraveling alterations in spot detection sensitivity.
A large variety of different spot detection parameters were tested
(Material and Methods). In general, denoising decreased the number
of detected spots. Using the same spot detection parameters, only
76% of the spots remained, with most of them common (Table
This was expected because most spot detection algorithms rely on size
based or volume based thresholding. Our algorithm decreases spot sizes
and modifies expression strengths, automatically resulting in less
spots when using PDQuest with the same thresholds. To understand when
denoising enhances spot detection, one needs to look at darkly stained
areas (Fig.
6) where the
strength modifications makes spots more distinct after denoising.
Figure 6 - Denoising improves spot detection in darkly stained areas - Gel
numbers 2,6,8 and 9 refer to Table 1. The denoised image is shown on
the right side of the 2-DE image. The same spot detection parameters
were used in all cases (see Material and Methods). The denoiser ran
with s1=3 and s2=23. Spots marked by yellow circles are only detected
in native images. Spots marked with green circles are detected only in
denoised images. Note that closely located intensely stained spots
(Gels 2, 8, lower right) and regions with low signal-to-strength ratio
(Gels 2, 6, 8, 9, upper part) are resolved after denoising.
Tandem setup for quantitative analysis - Regarding quantitative analysis, e.g, to assess protein
or measure protein expression, one can combining the spots detected
in native and denoised images to create an improved master image (scout
image). Subsequent spot quantification on the native gels, will provide
the researcher with the required protein expression information.
one must be careful to quantitatively interpret gels with high
variation. Background variations can be part of the investigated
system or be introduced through technical variations in the experiment.
Preferably, the experiments should be replicated to avoid
Division versus subtraction to remove the background -
The choice to divide the image by its background is
uncommon because it might lead to division by zero and rescales the
gray value distribution. A more common technique would be through
subtraction. Empirical testing (see Supplementary Figures) showed
that division yields the best results. This leads to the observation
that 2-DE image background variations are more of a multiplicative
phenomenon than they are additive. We model a 2-DE image (

a combination of signal (

), multiplicative
background (

and additive background (

(6) |
calculated background signal will be

. Subtraction of this background
leads to a denoised

which still has the
full impact of the multiplicative noise. Division of the signal by
its background
(7) |
us to see a reduction in both the
multiplicative factor and the additive term, especially when

This fact, combined with our empirical observation, leads us to
that background variations are mainly multiplicative.
Distribution rescaling -
Dividing an image
by its background modifies the gray scale. When working with black
spots on a white background, the denoising algorithm will remap all
spot information to the range
, while the background
map onto

. If we would work with white spots
on a black
background the region of interest would become

is difficult to normalize. The discrepancy between B/W and W/B images
occurs because we have different relations:



being the real signal and

being the
measured background.
See Supplementary Figures for the result of different rescaling methods.
Algorithmic complexity - The complexity
of an algorithm refers to the relative time the algorithm needs to
compute a result when presented with a specific input size[[
For fixed values of



the algorithm performs
linearly to the size of the image. All steps in the algorithm:
2), division (Eq.
3), thresholding
4) and median filtering (Eq.
can be performed in

, with


, respectively the
width and height of the image.
Concluding Remarks
We presented a denoising algorithm that requires no user input and
provides an execution time linear to the image size. The algorithm
relies on division of the original image by the estimated background
variation and therefore only works on images with black spots on a
white background. The algorithm was particular effective in removing
background variance from immunoblots and radioisotopic labeled gels.
Denoising improved the working of algorithms for gel orientation and
overlay alignment. Spot detection on denoised Sypro Ruby images (using
standard software) confirmed that the algorithm improves spot detection
in areas with high background variation and in areas with closely
located high-intensity spots. Because the algorithm modifies spot
intensities, denoised images cannot be used for spot quantification.
A future application for the algorithm could be the generation of
a scout image to guide automatic spot recognition algorithms and
spot volumes in the original image, eliminating the manual pre-
analysis processing of 2-DE images.
The expert technical assistance of
Siv-Lise Bedringaas and Stein-Erik Gullaksen is highly
appreciated. This study was supported by the Norwegian Research
Council's Functional Genomics Program (FUGE) grant no. 151859, and the
NORUT IT intramural grant. Nancy Gerits has helped substantially in
editing of the manuscript.
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