Ambient Actors as a Formalism for Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing
Werner Van Belle1*+ - werner@yellowcouch.org, werner.van.belle@gmail.com
Jessie Dedecker2+ - jededecker@vub.ac.be
1- Internet & Communication Technology
Norut IT; Research Park; 9294 Tromsø; Norway
2- Programming Technology Lab (PROG)
Department of Computer Science (DINF)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB); Pleinlaan 2; 1050 Brussel; Belgium
* Corresponding author; + Equal Contribution
Networks formed by the interconnection of mobile wireless devices are often called mobile ad-hoc networks. Such networks are highly volatile because communication partners can move in and out of range. This leads to unwanted interruptions of communication sessions, which in turn complicates the development of software that relies on a long term distributed state. Standard solutions seem inadequate because all too often they assume an inherent client server role or they assume a bound latency on communication sessions. One cannot make such assumptions in mobile ad-hoc networks. In order to resolve this matter a programming model must support the ability to pick up previous communication sessions; it must remember the devices/resources it has seen in the past; and it must provide a realistic approach towards concurrency, taking into account the limitations of a peer to peer ad-hoc network. This article presents the ambient actor model which extends the operational semantics of the actor model to capture the limitations posed by this novel paradigm
ambient pervasive ubiquitous computing asynchronous distributed systems actor systems
Werner Van Belle, Jessie Dedecker; Ambient Actors as a Formalism for Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing; Handbook for Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing; American Scientific Publishers; October 2006
Table Of Contents
1. Motivation
Networks formed by the interconnection of mobile wireless devices are
often called mobile ad-hoc networks. Such networks are highly volatile
because communication partners can move in and out of range. This
leads to unwanted interruptions of communication sessions, which
in turn complicates the development of software that relies on a long
term distributed state. Standard solutions seem inadequate because all
too often they assume an inherent client server role or they assume a
bound latency on communication sessions. One cannot make such
assumptions in mobile ad-hoc networks.
In order to resolve this matter a programming model must support the
ability to pick up previous communication sessions; it
must remember the devices/resources it has seen in the past; and
it must provide a realistic approach towards concurrency,
taking into account the limitations of a peer to peer ad-hoc network.
This article presents the ambient actor model which extends the
operational semantics of the actor model to capture the limitations
posed by this novel paradigm.
Pervasive computing captures the idea that computing technology
will gracefully integrate into our everyday life such that the
user is no longer aware of the technology [1]. From a
hardware point of view much progress has been made the past couple of
years. Technology such as WiFi, Bluetooth [2] and
802.11 [3] provide already
decent hardware abstractions
and improvements in chip design already led to the creation of
ultra-low power chips that organize themselves automatically into time
synchronized ad-hoc networks [4, 5, 6]. Research into such
sensory networks concerns
itself with the question on how to aggregate information
properly. This can be useful to acquire and query sensory information
from different locations, such as in vibration monitoring of buildings
Such highly visible
and interesting applications provide a radical
rework of the software layer [8] but
provide little help for more common 'personal digital assistant' (PDA)
As a working example in this article, we consider a PDA, that travels
along with its user. As the user moves about, the software on the PDA
encounters new environments, each possibly containing new devices to
provide useful information and resources (e.g: other PDA's, printers,
local computers and so on). We find that this kind of applications
tend to rely heavily on abstraction layers that might not be feasible
to realize because they assume inherent client-server roles, stable
connections and/or availability of specific communication partners.
Based on such
scenarios, we determined a number of novel concepts for,
and restrictions on, the communication architecture for mobile ad-hoc
networked devices.
- Local communication
- In pervasive computing, the single most outstanding concept is
probably 'location'. Whether we work with ad-hoc sensor networks or
PDA's, such devices are mobile and in order to allow to software to
react and recognize its environment, the communication architecture
needs to link every computation to a physical location. Furthermore,
unlike most desktop computers today, mobile devices are not necessarily
continuously connected to a network such as the Internet. Local direct
device-to-device communication might be the only means for devices to
communicate with other devices in their immediate proximity.
- Connection Volatility
- The limited communication range of the wireless technology
combined with the fact that users can move out of range can result in
broken connections at any point in time. Therefore, communicating
devices that perform a meaningful task together cannot assume a stable
connection. However, upon re-establishing a broken connection, users
typically expect the task to resume and performed, regardless of the
quality and availability of connections.
- Finding Resources
- If a user moves about with his/her mobile device, remote
resources become dynamically available or unavailable. This is in
contrast with stationary networks in which references to remote
resources are obtained based on the explicit knowledge of the
availability of the resource. A challenge in mobile ad-hoc networks is
how to recognize particular resources and services [9]. The problem of unreliable
availability of communication partners connections can also be present
in open distributed systems, such as Internet, but they are less
prominent, because the incidence rate of unavailable communication
partners is much lower and communication partners are often unavailable
for only small amounts of time.
- Autonomy
- Most distributed applications today are developed using the
client-server approach. The server often plays the role of a ``higher
authority'' which coordinates interactions between the clients. In
mobile networks a connection to such a ``higher authority'' is not
always available. Every device should be able to act as an autonomous
computing unit. This means that no device should indefinitely postpone
its own processing when waiting for information from other devices.
Currently none of the formalisms we studied was able to capture those
four basic premises into a coherent formal model. Therefore, we felt
the need to take these basic facts and incorporate them into a
formalism for ubiquitous computing, which is sometimes also called
'ambient intelligent computing' [10].
2. Related Work & Comparative Analysis
Based on the
concepts identified in the previous section,
we now analyse the state of the art of programming models for
ubiquitous computing systems. The presented formalisms were mainly
conceived in the context of peer to peer networks, open distributed
systems or mobile multi agent research. Table 1
presents the overview of our findings. For every model we investigated
whether the model a) provides the concept of locations, b) whether
communication can only occur within the same locations. We were also
interested in c) whether the model supports the detection of incoming
or outgoing communication candidates and will notify the program
layer. d) The 'resource' column describes whether remote resources can
be detected using some form of resource descriptor (e.g:
pattern-matching on capabilities). Finally, we probed the autonomy
of every model by looking at the synchronicity of the model (The
reason for this will become clear in section 3.1
Table 1:
Comparative analysis of a number of different formalisms.
Only Local |
Detection of incoming |
Finding of |
Asynchronous |
Name |
Communication |
and leaving devices |
Resources |
Communication |
Linda |
No |
No |
No, possible |
No |
Locality Based Linda |
No |
No |
No, possible |
No |
Mobile Ambient Calculus |
Yes |
No |
No, possible |
No |
Distributed Join Calculus |
No |
Extension |
Yes |
No |
-calculus |
No |
Half |
No |
No |
ActorSpaces |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Actor systems |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Ambient Actors |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
2.1. Tuple Spaces: Linda & Locality Based Linda
Linda [
is a coordination
language based on Tuple spaces. There are several primitives that make
communication explicit in the code. There is a primitive for putting
values in the Tuple space (asynchronous) and primitives for getting
values from the Tuple space (blocking). Tuple spaces are interesting
because they allow communication without the need to specify the
communication address of the receiver (which is also known as
anonymous communication). If
used properly, such a Tuple
space might be usable for local communication. Nevertheless, the
standard Linda architecture is based on a central server architecture,
with one central Tuple space in which to put tuples. This makes it not
suitable for ad-hoc wireless network environments.
Locality based
Linda [13] is an
extension to Linda but with the explicit notion of locations.
Primitives in
Locality based Linda now work on a specific Tuple space. Anonymous
communication becomes impossible, because the location needs to be
provided. In our context this would mean that the addresses of
communicating devices need to be known, which is impossible to
determine in ad-hoc wireless network environments. The model also does
not define what happens with communications when the target location
is unavailable or unreachable.
- Local communication: Standard Tuple-spaces rely on a centralized
architecture, which does not provide a concept for the locality of an
agent. Extensions exist that take into account locality (e.g: locality
based Linda), but in these communication remains global by prefixing
every Tuple with a target Tuple space.
- Detection of incoming and leaving devices: Tuple spaces do not
provide a standardized way to detect incoming or outgoing devices since
there is no concept of direct communication between the devices (all
communication goes through the global Tuple space).
- Finding Resources: Tuple spaces can be used to detect
specific resources, based on some form of pattern matching, however,
there is no standard provision that dictates how resources are to be
found and to what kind of messages a resource/device needs to reply. On
the other hand, standard Tuple space provide for anonymous
communication which is already an important concept to realize
automated resource finding. Therefore, we marked 'finding resources' as
'No, but possible'.
- Autonomy: Tuple spaces provide asynchronous events, however these
are often wrapped in blocking primitives which makes the models not
suitable for networks with unbound latencies.
2.2. Mobile Ambient Calculus
The mobile
ambient calculus [
expresses an
abstraction between mobile computing and mobile computation in
administrative domains. Mobile computation is the physical movement of
devices between administrative domains, while mobile computing is the
movement of a logical process (also called migration). The mobile
ambient calculus describes movement of processes between different
locations and communication between Ambients that are located in an
ambient. Mobile Ambients allow the posting of anonymous messages
(without explicitly targeting the receiver). This is a concept that
can be used for detection of resources since a mobile ambient can
post its own information. Notwithstanding, the model itself does not
provide a standardisation how such a mechanism needs to work.
- Locations and local communication: The mobile ambient calculus
provides the concept of 'ambient' to represent locations and location
awareness. It also assumes that only local communication between
Ambients in the same environment is possible.
- Detection of incoming and outgoing Ambients and notification to
the program is not provided by the mobile ambient calculus.
- Finding resources: The mobile ambient calculus provides anonymous
communication, which might be used to set up some form of resource
recognition. Notwithstanding, there is no standard provided.
- Autonomy: The mobile ambient calculus relies on distributed
computation, in which parts of the computation can be redirected
elsewhere. This means that any device can receive new incoming
Ambients. We perceive this as problematic because device might leave
indefinitely and thus delete part of the computational trace.
Furthermore, typical communications are written in a blocking manner.
2.3. Distributed Join Calculus
The distributed
join calculus [
gives semantics
for logical movement (migration), failures and failure detection of
agents. The distributed join calculus comes with a number of possible
extension, among which locality as defined in the mobile ambient
calculus and failure detection.
- Local communication is not available in the standard model,
instead it assumes a fully interconnected network.
- Connection Volatility: Detection of incoming and outgoing devices
can be realized as an extension to the system.
- Finding Resources seem standard in the Distributed Join Calculus.
- Autonomy: Blocking primitives are standard in this formalism and
thus is not reconcilable with the autonomy of devices.
2.4. The
calculus as defined
by Milner et al. [
describes a calculus that exchanges channels between processes in
order to achieve both mobility and communication. It is an attractive
model because it could allow the detection of failures (broken
channels), but it does not provide any means to actually set up a
connection by finding appropriate partners in the neighbourhood because
there is no concept of locality introduced.
- Local communication: The
-calculus has no concept of locality and thus there is also no
assumption that only local communication is possible.
- Connection Volatility: processes in this model communicate
through channels. Those channels, comparable to TCP connections, might
allow for the detection of leaving devices. There is no standard
support to notify the presence of new processes.
- Finding Resources: The
-calculus does not provide a means to recognize and anonymously detect
new resources.
- Autonomy: Similar to the observations on the mobile ambient
calculus: the migration of channels and processes does not respect the
autonomy of the receiving device and the standard use of blocking
primitives does not work well in networks with unbound latencies.
2.5. Actors
The actor model was developed by Hewitt [18] in the late
seventies and later further developed by Agha [19, 20]. It was only
in the late nineties that Agha et. al published a description of the
operational semantics
[21] of an actor
system. Since
the ambient actor model we will present, bases itself on the standard
actor model, we will elaborate on some of its details. This will
the reader with a better understanding of what lies at the heart of
The Actor
programming language [22]was designed for use
in open distributed network environments (i.e. the Internet). A
distributed application is modelled with actors that are distributed
throughout the network. Communication between actors occurs solely
with asynchronous message passing. Figure 1
shows the conceptual representation of an actor. Each actor has a
behavior associated with it, which defines how it
handles incoming messages. Incoming messages are handled by the actor
its own thread of control. An actor is fully encapsulated and can
only be addressed by other actors through its mailbox. In other words
if an actor sends a message to another actor or itself it always
places a message in this mailbox. A message is transparently and
non-deterministically selected from the mailbox and processed
according to the actor its behavior. Fairness is assumed such that
all messages are eventually processed.
Figure 1:
Each box represents an actor. All actors communicate with one another
by means of messages. Messages are transmitted between implicit
mailboxes. An internal thread, individual to each actor, handles
incoming messages. The internal state of an actor is inaccessible to
the outside world.
The semantics of the actor programming
[21] are defined as
an extension of the operational
semantics of a simple functional language. The behavior of an actor is
modelled using functions, each taking one
parameter, which is a message. Based on this parameter a number of
expressions can be evaluated. In the operational semantics of the actor
language the functional language is conceptualized by the untyped
lambda calculus [23, 24] which is further
extended with three actor primitives to support programming in a
distributed environment:
- New actors can be created using the letactor primitive. The
letactor primitive takes one argument, a function that is the initial
behavior of that actor and returns the mail address of an actor.
- Messages are sent to known actors using the send primitive. The
send primitive takes two arguments, the recipient's actor address and a
message. Such a message can contain the address of other actors.
- An actor can modify its own behavior using the become primitive.
The become primitive takes one argument, a function that is the new
behavior of the actor. There is no shared data between actors.
These primitives are illustrated by the example shown below, which is
an implementation of an ML reference cell expressed in the actor
language defined by the operational semantics. This cell example also
illustrates how the become operator can be used to model state.

= rec(



send(cust(m), c)),
In the
-calculus functions are first-class entities and do
not necessarily have a name. Such anonymous functions are of the form
where a is an argument and exp is
the body of the function. The last expression that is evaluated
determines the return-value of the function. In the
-calculus functions take only
one argument at a time.
Multiple arguments are simulated by currying. This is the process
where one function returns another function that takes one argument
and this process is repeated for all arguments.
The function
describes the behavior of a
cell actor. The
function call to rec calculates the fixed-point of a function
[25] and calls the
-expression with that
fixed-point as its argument. Hence,
refers to a function
which takes two arguments c and m as its arguments
and where b has been bound to the fixed point in the lexical
environment of that function. The argument c refers to the
contents of the cell and the variable m refers to the message
that an actor receives.
The cell-behavior
responds to two kinds of messages, get- and
set-messages. The get-messages are responded to in
two steps: first, the become operation is used to define the
replacement behavior of the actor. The replacement behavior is
defined with a recursive call through the fixed-point and the contents
of the cell remains unchanged. Hence, the replacement behavior of the
actor will refer to a function that takes one argument m that
has b bound to the fix-point and c bound to the
original contents of the cell. Next, the contents of the cell is sent
to the customer of the message. The set-messages are
responded to by changing the function to a new one with the variable
c bound to the contents found in the message m.
In the code that
handles the get-message, we find that a become is placed before a send
instruction. This
order of statement influences the degree of concurrency. Once the
become operation has been performed the actor can process its
next message while the expressions that follow the become are
executed concurrently. The become operation dynamically
creates a new anonymous (An anonymous actor is an actor whose address
is not known by any other actor in the system). actor which executes
the following expressions, in this case the send, while the
current actor processes its next message in the context of its new
behavior. Accordingly the actor model supports intra-object
concurrency. What is more, this intra-object concurrency does not
lead to race conditions on the internal state of an actor. The main
reason for this is that the state change (achieved by installing
another function using the become operation) of an actor
occurs in a single operation, because naturally the functional
language does not include assignments. Hence, only a become
can change the state of an actor.
The function which
describes the behaviour of the cell can now be used
to initialize the actor:


seq(send(a, mkset(3)),
send(a, mkset(4)), send(a, mkget(a)))
The letactor
primitive binds a new cell actor to the variable
a and the expression e is evaluated in this context.
The set-messages are created using mkset and
similarly get-messages are created using mkget. The
actor model does not define the order in which messages are consumed
and accordingly, the response to the get-message will
depending on the order of the messages be 0, 3 or 4.
The actor language relies on an actor
system to support parallelism and communication between actors. An
actor system hosts
multiple actors. These actors may concurrently process messages from
one another, irrespective of their individual states. Conceptually,
an actor system can be
modelled as a message set and the
behavior of the actors running on the system. This message set
contains two types of messages: 1) messages received, but not yet
processed and 2) messages sent, but not yet transmitted. Both types
are discussed below:
- A message, whose target address is that of an actor running in
the actor system, is taken from the message set and passed as an
argument to the function that is assigned to the target actor address.
When the message set is empty the system waits for a new message to
arrive. As explained above, an actor can handle the next message from
the moment it has performed the become operation.
- When a message is sent then the message is put in the message
set. When the target actor address of the message is that of an actor
running on another actor system then the message is transparently
transferred to the message set of that actor system. The operational
semantics of the actor language do not define any order in which the
messages from the message set are processed, but it assumes fairness so
that no starvation can occur.
We now discuss the applicability of actor systems in light of mobile
ad-hoc networks.
- Local Communication: The actor model was designed for open
distributed networks, where communication partners are sometimes
unavailable for a short period of time. The model guarantees delivery
through the use of message sets: messages sent to actors running on an
unavailable actor system are kept in the message set until the actor
system becomes available again for communication. Each actor system has
its own message set that contains the messages sent, but not yet
transmitted to another actor system and the messages received, but not
yet processed. An actor system is therefore self-sufficient and does
not rely on a general server infrastructure from the environment for
its communication. The abstraction of an actor system however does not
fit well with the concept of a location since every single device will
need to run their own actor system. Actor systems rely on a virtual
full interconnected network, without taking into consideration the
mobility of devices nor the restriction that only local communication
might be possible.
- Connection Volatility: A message set enables transparent
asynchronous communication in intermittently connected environments,
because a message is transparently and automatically transferred from
the message set of the sender to the message set of the receiver
whenever communication is possible. Hence, the connection between two
actor systems is automatically restored after it was broken. This is
important because it permits transparent communication in networks
where failures are common, whereas many other asynchronous protocols
put the burden of expressing delivery guarantees on the developer.
- Autonomy: The actor model explicitly states that no expressions
containing closures can be communicated. Agha et al. [21] argue that this is
not a serious limitation, because the actor address can be communicated
instead and by sending messages to this actor address one can
indirectly access the lambda-abstraction. We agree with this view and
point out that, in order to remain autonomous, an actor cannot assume
that incoming code will behave properly, and thus must treat
transmitted data differently from other code. Furthermore, in the actor
model, communication amongst actors can only occur by means of the send
primitive. Compared to other distributed frameworks, no implicit
communication is allowed through shared data. The send operation is
also non-blocking and thus preserves the autonomy of a mobile device.
- Finding Resources: Finding and detecting new resources with the
standard actor model seems complicated. In the actor model all
resources that can be shared are modeled as actors and actors are
referred to by actor addresses. Actors can only communicate with one
another if they have an actor mail address. Miller et al. [26] noted that in capability
secure languages, such as the actor model, actors can only make
acquaintance with one another in four modes: connectivity by
introduction (a message containing an actor address sent to another
actor); connectivity by parenthood (when an actor creates another actor
using letactor, then the creating actor has the address of the created
actor); connectivity by endowment (an actor is initialized with the
address of another actor); connectivity through system bootstrapping.
This means that he actor model does not provide a means for an actor to
independently get a reference to a remote actor in its direct
environment. In other words, if two devices move in the communication
range of one another then there is no rule that permits one actor
running on a device to get a reference to another actor running
elsewhere, unless they both have a reference to a third party acting as
a middleman. Such a middleman could be a naming server or name registry
which is used in middleware approaches, such as Java RMI [27] and CORBA [28, 29]. However,
such a middleman would imply that infrastructure always needs to be
present in the environment. This would not only conflict with the
autonomy of mobile devices as explained in section 1 but the actor address of the
software running on that infrastructure would need to be bootstrapped
in all mobile devices. In other words: the standard actor model is
unaware of the appearance and disappearance of other actors.
2.6. ActorSpaces
An extension of
the actor model, named ActorSpaces, was proposed by
Agha and Callsen [
and defines how
actors can be resolved
in a distributed namespace. Distributed naming is a useful
abstraction to address actors based on a specification rather than an
explicit reference. The Actor-Space model extends the actor model with
three new concepts:
- Attributes: In the
ActorSpace model, actors can be addressed by their actor address or by
attributes. Attributes are patterns which provide an abstract
specification of an actor. In contrast to an actor address, which is
associated with exactly one actor, patterns can denote a group of
actors; namely all actors that fulfill the abstract specification
determined by the attributes.
- ActorSpaces: An
ActorSpace is a computationally passive entity that determines the
scope in which the pattern matching of attributes occurs.
- Capabilities: The
security model is based on capabilities [31], which are
unforgeable keys. Those keys can be created dynamically, compared and
communicated over the network by actors. The correct capability is
needed to change properties with respect to the distributed naming of
an actor or ActorSpace.
Although the ActorSpace model introduces an interesting model to deal
with the distributed naming problems of the actor model, there are a
number of limitations that make the concepts impossible to use in the
context of ad-hoc distributed systems. The problems originate from
the fact that ad-hoc distributed systems typically involve network
partitions (only small local communicating groups of devices).
For example, suppose a number of actors are contained in an ActorSpace
but some of these actors run on mobile devices that are currently not
in the communication range. Hence, the ActorSpace is partitioned and
it is undefined what happens when messages are sent to the actors in
that ActorSpace. Also, it is unclear on which device the data
structure that holds the configuration of the ActorSpace should be
placed. When the node that maintains that data structure is not in
the communication range at the moment a send or
broadcast operation is performed, then the semantics is
undefined. Another point where semantics of the operations of the
ActorSpace model is not clear is when managers change the
configuration of an ActorSpace in the face of such a network
partition. Note that replication of the ActorSpaces data structure
is not feasible, because an ActorSpace can be manipulated at runtime
and keeping the replicas up-to-date and provide consistent access does
not scale and leads to inconsistencies.
- Local communication: the ActorSpace model offers the idea of
locations since it provides a range in which pattern searches occur.
Communication is global and a full interconnect is assumed after the
actor name has been resolved.
- Connection Volatility: incoming and outgoing devices are not
detected and thus not notified towards the program.
- Finding Resources: The ActorSpace model provides an interesting
mechanism to find and recognize resources within the local search
- Autonomy: actors communicate asynchronously, resulting in
non-blocking primitives.
3. The Ambient Actor Model
We find that none of the presented formalisms integrate the crucial
concepts laid out earlier: a concept of locations; the restriction that
only local communication
might be possible; awareness of the local environment including
towards the application when it changes; and a standardized mechanism
find anonymous resources and communication primitives that do not
jeopardize the autonomy of a single actor.
In this section we
introduce the ambient actor model, an
extension of the operational semantics and the syntax of the standard
actor model such that the few limitations of the actor model are
resolved. We will refrain from giving
all the definitions of the standard actor model, which can be found in
[21]. We will
however repeat definitions that we
adapted to extend the operational semantics of the actor model or when
they are essential to understanding the extensions.
The main addition
to the actor model is the introduction of
explicit mailboxes for each actor
[32]. A number
of mailboxes are used within
the model to guarantee communication between local and remote
actors. In a sense these are necessary to support the meta
communication protocol between actors. The mailboxes are the standard
inbox, which keeps track of
incoming messages, the standard outbox, which keeps track of
messages that should be delivered, the sent- and the
rcvbox which keep track of, respectively, which messages have
been sent and which messages have been processed by an actor. In this
section we show that the introduction of these four first-class
mailboxes addresses the reïfication of the communication traces,
which was one of the missing criteria we identified in the original
actor model. We will show that through the manipulation of these
mailboxes actors are able to adapt their delivery strategy based on
the needs of the application. What is more, actors can use the
mailboxes to determine their communication state and as such implement
customized schemes based on this state.
Aside from these
mailboxes four other mailboxes are introduced to reïfy the
environmental context of actors. Actors are usually
interested the availability,
appearance and disappearance of specific resources from the
environment. For this reason, two mailboxes provided and
required are added. These mailboxes contain the names of
services that are provided to and required by an actor,
respectively. These names of services determine what part of the
environment is reïfied. The environment is reïfied through
introduction of the joined and disjoined mailboxes.
These two mailboxes are transparently updated by the actor system and
contain the actor addresses of resources that have appeared and
disappeared. As such they reveal the environmental context to the
3.1. Design
We briefly touch
upon 4 design decision we made for the ambient actor
model [33, 34].
- Isolated data-model
- Since programs running on different devices can be written in
different programming languages we need a formal model that provides a
well defined and language independent communication protocol.
Such a communication protocol must allows actors to remain in full
control of their execution state when receiving messages [35]. This means that one
should not allow messages to be executed automatically or treated such
that arbitrary code execution becomes possible. This effectively means
that we are especially reluctant to include well know and widely adored
features such as transmission of closures (allows for arbitrary code
execution) and direct remote addressing (remote references to local
objects). We believe that isolated data-models such as XML [36, 37] or KQML [38] or other form of graph
or tree serialization are the proper way forward.
- Non-blocking communication
- Writing applications for volatile
networks is difficult by means of
synchronous communication (such as RPC [39]and RMI [40]).
With synchronous communication
there is a condition that the communication partner on the other end
must be available. This condition does not hold anymore in a wireless
network environment as communication partners are often not available
and can become unavailable for communication at any point in time.
Hence, existing synchronous communication models (such as the ones
mentioned above) are not suitable for pervasive communication. With
asynchronous (a.k.a. non-blocking) communication on the other hand
there is no correlation between the sent-time and the receive-time of
messages. This decouples the availability of communication partners in
time and thus makes it appropriate in wireless network environments.
- Reïfied Message History
- Asynchronous communication comes
with the cost that one must remember a previous communication state. Contrary to
synchronous communication
where such state is carefully managed on the runtime execution stack,
the application program now needs to concern itself with session
management. Such a message history kept by every individual partner
effectively distributes the computational state such that all involved
devices have only trace of the computation. In order to allow the
application program to manage such a message history, we choose to
reïfy it.
- Reïfied Environmental Context
- Mobility of devices
implies changing environments, which further implies that the software
needs to adapt to new environments. A formalism for mobile networks
must thus provide a first class representation of the surrounding
environment that is automatically updated as changes occur.
Despite the limitations of the actor model, it adheres to the
non-blocking communication criterion and provides an isolated
data model. Although the actor model does not completely support
programming for mobile ad-hoc networks, we believe it provides a solid
starting point to extend it such that the missing criteria, namely the
reïfication of communication traces and environmental context, are
supported too.
3.2. Extensions to Actors
The ambient
actor model extends the call-by-value lambda in the same
manner as the standard actor model introduces primitives such as
send, become and letactor. However,
dissimilar to the standard actor model, the letactor primitive
has been decomposed into two primitives newadr and
initbeh. The former creates a new actor address and the
latter initializes the behavior linked to this actor address. Next to
the standard actor primitives we added a number of primitives to
manipulate mailboxes:
- messages(e) returns the set of messages of mailbox e.
- add(mbxName, e) adds a message e to the mailbox with name mbxName.
A message added to a mailbox that does not exist creates the mailbox.
- delete(mbxName, e) deletes a message e from the mailbox with name
In the following
subsections we define the operational semantics of
these operations as an extension of the standard actor model. These
operational semantics are defined as transitions of configurations.
3.3. Messages and Mailbox Associations
We now define a
number of sets related to the representation
of messages and mailboxes in the ambient actor model. We take as
given countable sets
(atoms) and
(variables including
actor mail addresses).
Say Y is a set then
is the set of
subsets of Y.
is the set of
multi-sets with elements in Y.
is the set of finite maps
be the domain of
A message is
represented as a nested pair of value expressions, this
is in contrast with the message representation as defined in
[21] (where a
message was denoted with
). By representing the messages as a pair of values
the message becomes a first class value in the actor language. This
will prove useful to manipulate the mailboxes. Another difference
with the standard actor model is that the message includes the sending
actor (called the source). To make a clear distinction in the
definitions between messages and other pair values, we will identify a
pair that is used as a message with
Definition 2 (Messages (

A message is a
nested pair (pr) of:
, the actor address of the source actor.
, the actor address of the target actor.
, a communicable value, constructed from atoms and actor addresses, but
not containing closures.
In the spirit of
dynamic typing (as in [
) we do
not restrict the target of the message to the set of actor addresses,
the correctness is checked in the rules that define the operational
In the ambient
actor model a message can be associated with multiple
mailboxes. To denote these mailbox associations in the actor model we
introduce the following set:
Definition 3 (Mailbox Associations (

is the set of
identifiers for mailboxes,
. The set of mailbox
associations is a
mapping from an actor mail address to a mapping of the names of its
mailboxes to their contents. To increase the readability, mappings of
will be written as
. Furthermore,
denotes the content
with mailbox
. The name of the mailbox is written as the
, subscribed with the
actor address
to which the mailbox
belongs. E.g.,
the inbox of actor
. Typically, messages are associated
with a mailbox, but other value types can also be associated with a
3.4. Actor Configurations
The operational
semantics of the model itself is based on
actor-configurations and reduction rules defined on these
configurations. Conceptually, an actor configuration can be perceived
as the runtime state of an actor system (discussed in
section 2.5). Such an actor
system runs on
any computational device, such as a mobile phone or desktop.
Definition 4 (Actor Configurations (

, and
An actor configuration contains:
- the state of the actors in a configuration is given by an actor
. Such an actor map is a finite map from actor addresses to actor
states. Each actor state is one of
actor state created by an actor with address
actor state
ready to accept a message where
its behavior represented by a closure
actor in a
busy state executing expression
is either a value expression
or a reduction context R filled with a redex
(written as
). The reduction context is used to describe internal transitions while
a message is being evaluated by the
-function associated with the behavior. The current expression that is
evaluated is decomposed into a reduction context with a unique hole.
For the formal elaboration on reduction contexts we refer to the
standard actor model [21].
Suffice it to say that here that R in the following definitions ranges
over the reduction contexts. The redexes that are not actor-specific
expressions, namely the purely functional fragment of the language, are
inherited from the operational semantics of the standard actor model.
The redexes related to the actor operations are newadr(), init(
), become(
), send(
), add(
), delete(
) and messages(
Each mapping of an actor address to an actor state is subscribed by
their actor address. E.g.
denotes an uninitialized actor
that was created by actor
, a multi-set of mailbox associations.
, receptionists, the actor addresses from this configuration that are
accessible from other actor configurations
, external actors, the addresses of actors from other actor
configurations that can be accessed from this actor configuration.
It is required
that all actor configurations satisfy the following
well-formed-edness constraints (
- if
, then
- if
, then FV
- if
, then
- if
then FV

) is the set of all free variables encountered in an expression
as defined by Agha
et al [
The fourth
constraint is a new constraint and denotes that each
mailbox in an actor configuration should be owned by an actor from the
actor configuration.
3.5. Operational Semantics of Actor Configurations
Now that we have
defined the necessary sets involved in the
formalization of the operational semantics of the ambient actor model
we can define the actual operational semantics. The operational
semantics are defined as reduction rules on actor configurations.
Conceptually, such a rule can be regarded as an evaluation step of an
actor system. Each rule contains a label
that consists of a
indicating its name and a set of parameters. In all cases, except for
the i/o transitions (with tags
), the first
parameter names the
actor of the
As in the paper of
Agha et al. [21] we
use the
following notation for maps: if the mapping
and if
differs from
in that
is omitted from its domain
then we write
such that the focus is on
the state of actor
. We follow the same convention for other maps
with actor addresses in their domain, such as mailbox associations.
In our model the
transitions (
) are extended with an
environmental context set
. The set
contains the
configurations that are available (in the communication range of the
actor configuration on which the transition is defined) while the
reduction is performed. The introduction of this set is important to
reïfy the notion of environmental context in our extended model.
Below we explain and discuss the different rules.
3.5.1. Basic Actor Operations
The first three
reduction rules (
, letactor and
) remain unchanged
with regard to the actor model. The
become on the other hand had to be modified to ensure correct
semantics with respect to the first-class mailboxes.
- The
rule above
delegates the purely functional expressions used in the actor program
to the functional redexes. The functional redex contains reduction
rules for function calls, cons-cell manipulation, branch-testing,
type-testing and equality. For the exact definition of these reduction
rules we refer the reader to [21].
- The semantics of the letactor primitive is formalized by two
. The
rule is used
to create a new actor with address a'. The
new actor is not initialized after this reduction. We say that a
variable is fresh with respect to a
context of use if it does not occur free or bound in any syntactic
entity. The new uninitialized actor is denoted with
- With the
rule a new
actor is initialized with behavior
. Only the actor that created the actor a'
can initialize it.
- With the
rule the actor can change its state and behavior, similar to the become
rule in the standard actor model. However, in the rule defined by Agha
et al. [21] the
expressions evaluated after a become will be further reduced in the
context of a new anonymous actor. It is this anonymous actor that
introduces the intra-object concurrency in the actor model.
In the changes we have made, this remaining expression is not
reduced, changing its semantics similar to a break
instruction found in many programming languages. The reason we
removed intra-object concurrency is to ensure mailbox manipulations
have correct semantics. Indeed, if the remaining expression is
reduced in the context of an anonymous actor and mailboxes would be
manipulated then the mailboxes of the anonymous actor would be
manipulated instead of the actor that started to process the message.
This would lead to awkward semantics. An alternative to this solution
would be to let an anonymous actor manipulate the mailboxes of the
actor that spawned it. However, this would introduce race conditions
on the mailboxes. The topic of safe access to mailboxes is further
discussed below in section 3.5.3.
3.5.2. Communication Rules
The remainder of
the rules have been adapted to include the notion of
- The
rule mildly
differs from the send rule found in the
actor model. The new rule reduces the send operation to placing the
message in the outbox of the actor in which the send operation is
is a new rule
that was added to model local communication between actors. If the
message can be delivered locally (within the same actor configuration),
it is placed both in the target its inbox, and the sentbox of the
sender. The rule is defined such that communication can only occur when
the two actors involved in the communication are not in a busy state.
Similar conditions are also specified for the other i/o-transitions.
These conditions are necessary to preserve the model from race
conditions. This will be discussed in section 3.5.3.
The out
reduction rule is used at the sending side for messages that cannot be
delivered locally, to transmit a message to another actor
configuration. Similar to the original model, the set of receptionists
is expanded with the local actor addresses that were communicated in
the message. The outgoing message is removed from the outbox.
an actor
configuration receives a message from an external actor that runs on
another actor system. In this situation, the message is placed in the
inbox of the target actor.
an actor
configuration receives an acknowledgment for a message it send and
places that message in the sentbox of the sending actor. This allows
the actor to verify which messages have actually been sent.
When a
message is available in the inbox of an actor, it can be received by
the actor and when it is processed by the actor, it is moved to the rcv mailbox. As a result, an actor has a history
of the messages that it processed. This proves to be useful for
determining the communication state of an actor as is shown in the
examples in section 4.
3.5.3. Mailbox Manipulation
Some reduction rules have
been added to
manipulate and inspect the mailboxes from within the actor language.
With the
rule one can access the content of a
rule creates
a mailbox when it does not exist, if the
mailbox exists, the content will be added to the mailbox. The
rule delete a message from a
mailbox, when the last
message of a mailbox has been removed, the mailbox itself is removed.
The above reduction rules allow actors to manage mailboxes
explicitly. Note that there is no rule in which a message
automatically disappears from the system. This means that memory
management will have to be handled manually by the programmer. This
is because it depends on the semantics of the program whether a
message has become irrelevant to the program. For example, when a
certain task has completed and its associated messages are not
relevant anymore.
When scrutinizing
the ambient actor model, one has to investigate
whether if there are concurrency issues involved with the
of the mailboxes. For example, a possible race condition is an actor
that deletes a message from its outbox at the moment it is
transferred to the target actor its inbox. The operational
semantics of the ambient actor model exhibit two mailbox properties
that are important to avoid race conditions on the mailboxes of an
- Mailbox Privacy
Each mailbox has a unique name within an actor. A mailbox is
associated with exactly one actor and an actor cannot communicate a
reference to one of its mailboxes. However, it is possible to
communicate the name of a mailbox, but this name refers to the local
mailbox of the receiving actor and not to the mailbox of the sending
actor. Hence, mailboxes are never shared among multiple actors.
- Serial Mailbox Access
In the ambient actor model a mailbox is manipulated by two different
entities: the actor owning the mailbox and the actor system which
updates mailboxes when communication events occur, for example when a
message is transmitted. The operational semantics of the ambient
actor model is defined in such a way that the manipulation of
mailboxes by these two entities cannot occur concurrently. Indeed,
the rules where the actor system manipulates mailboxes as a result of
a communication event have the explicit condition that the actor whose
mailboxes are being manipulated is not in a busy state. Hence, while
an actor is processing a message its mailboxes can only be changed by
itself, not by the actor system. Messages that the actor system
cannot send at that time remain in the out mailboxes of the
corresponding actors until they can be transmitted.
Both the mailbox
privacy and the serial mailbox access properties are
important in the context of implementations based on this model,
because they preserve the encapsulation of the actors and avoid race
conditions on mailboxes.
3.5.4. Handling Environmental Contexts
running on mobile nodes need to have access to the
reïfied environmental as discussed in the introduction, so that
they can address local resources. The reïfication of the
environmental context is supported with two reduction rules:
. When two devices are in the communication range of
one another, their actor systems will automatically ``join''. They
disjoin when they leave each others communication range. Actors are
usually interested in the appearance and disappearance of specific
types of resources. To this
end, four extra mailboxes have been added for each actor:
provided, required, joined and
disjoined. The mailboxes provided and
required are used to let an actor specify an abstract
description of what kind of behavior it provides or requires, this
abstract description is called a pattern. The pattern is
specified in the model as a communicable value. When a pattern in the
provided and required mailboxes of different actors
match, then the actor that required the pattern will be notified.
This notification happens through the use of the joined and
disjoined mailboxes. Thus, the joined and
disjoined mailboxes keep track of the relevant actors,
specified through the use of the provided and
required mailboxes, that are in communication range. This
mechanism is defined in the model through the
when two
actor configurations come in the communication range of one another
then every actor
that requires
a certain pattern
, which has become available in another actor configuration
that is in communication
range, will be informed of this by receiving a ``join'' message in its
inbox. Also, for every matching pair of required-provided patterns, the
corresponding joined mailbox is updated. In the joined mailbox, a
special kind of message is stored, called a resolution. A resolution contains a) the pattern (
) that has been matched and b) a provider actor
who provides the service represented by the pattern. Hence, the
resolutions found in the mailbox of an actor specify the actor
addresses of the resources that matched the pattern.
- The
specifies the semantics of two actor configurations that leave each
others communication range. Every actor that is aware of another joined
actor that has left the communication range, will be informed of the
disjoin. Once an actor is informed the corresponding resolution is
removed from the joined mailbox. Actors that have removed the matching
messages from their joined mailbox will not be informed.
The join and disjoin operations are not the inverse of one
another. After joining and disjoining two actor configurations, the
state of the involved actor configurations is not necessarily the same
as before the join operation. This is due to the fact that for every
join or disjoin a number of messages are sent, which might influence
the behavior of the involved actors.
4. Case Studies
Now that we have
defined the operational semantics of the ambient
actor model we show that it is useful in the context of mobile
networks by means of two examples. The examples are defined with
actor code based on the semantics of the ambient actor model from the
previous section. The first example shows how anonymous communication
can be expressed. In the second example we elaborate on a meeting
scheduler application for use in a mobile ad-hoc network.
In the examples
below we use the convention that functions prefixed
with mk create the respective messages and functions that end
with a ``?'' are predicates. For example, mkPrint is a
function that creates the print message and print?
is a function that returns true if its argument is a print
4.1. Pattern-Based Communication
In section 3.1 we discuss that
naming is a good abstraction to communicate with resources in the
environment for which the address is unknown. For example, an actor
wants to print a file on a printer first needs to locate a suitable
printer in the environment and then communicate with it. With a
distributed naming scheme both actions can be abstracted in a single
communication instruction psend that allows an actor to be
named based on its properties rather than on a specific address.
Below is the definition of an actor using the psend
abstraction to print a file from the moment it comes into
communication range of an actor that provides a printing service.



seq(psend('printer@300dpi, mkPrint(file)),
In the ambient actor model the addresses of resources can be
retrieved based on the pattern through the mailboxes that reïfy
environmental context. Hence, an actor can be described using a
pattern that embeds the type information [41]or more semantic
information about the service. We define a new communication
primitive psend that takes two parameters:
a service
description pattern of the required actor
and the message that
is to be sent.
psend =


seq(add('required, pattern),
add('pending, msg))
We add the
description pattern of the required actor to the
required mailbox. This way the actor will be notified when
the actor configuration joins with another actor configuration
providing this pattern. The message that is to be communicated is
placed in a custom mailbox pending. Hence, the
pending mailbox can be regarded is a special outbox
for messages that have a pattern as destination instead of an actor
The handleJoin
definition listens for join messages
that indicate that the joined mailbox has been changed. In
such an event it runs through the resolutions in the joined
mailbox. Each time a pattern that corresponds with the target of the
messages in pending mailbox is found, the message is sent to
the provider of the pattern and removed from the pending
handleJoin =



This first example has shown that the ambient actor model contains the
necessary primitives that can be used to build more complex
distributed naming schemes. The distributed naming scheme is realized
through an abstraction that unifies message sending with the discovery
of services such that actors can send messages based on a pattern
specification rather than their explicit mail address. This
abstraction is implemented based on the mailboxes that reïfy the
environmental context.
4.2. Meeting Scheduler
Suppose we have a calendar application (running on a mobile device
such as a PDA or mobile phone) that helps us to schedule and remind us
of appointments with a group of acquaintances. Each mobile device
executes the agenda application and a request for a meeting can be
initiated at any point in time, irrespective of whether the agenda
applications of the acquaintances are available for communication.
This kind of behavior is necessary to support the autonomous mobility
of the users and the fact that some mobile devices may not be
available due to volatile connections. For that reason, the
application has to deal with volatile connections and the application
may not rely on a central server architecture, which are two hardware
phenomena we discussed in section 1.
assume that the mobile devices at some point in time will be in the
communication range of one another.
The agenda
application schedules a meeting in two steps.
- It tries to make a reservation in the agenda of the participants
of the meeting.
- It confirms the reservation in the agenda of each participant if
all individual reservations were successfully reserved.
If the
reservation fails at some point, then all individual
reservations that were made on other agendas are removed. Each agenda
application comprises two actors that are described below.
4.2.1. Agenda Actor
Each agenda is
initialized with the e-mail address of the agenda's
owner. The e-mail address is combined with the type information of
the application to form a pattern, which is returned by the
mkPattern function, and uniquely identifies the agendas.
This pattern is added to the provided mailbox such that the
presence of each individual agenda of the participants can be detected.



seq(add('provided, mkPattern(email)),

Figure 2:
State Chart of Agenda Behavior
For the sake of the argument, we have chosen to represent the agenda
as a single slot that is available for meetings. The slot has three
states: FreeSlot, ReservedSlot and
ConfirmedSlot. A slot understands three messages,
free, reserve and confirm and corresponding
to the message it receives the slot moves into another state:
- free: when this message is received and the slot is in a reserved state then it becomes available for
reservation. This message is used to undo a reservation.
- reserve: when the state of the slot is free
and this message is received then the slot moves to the reserved state.
- confirm: when the state of the slot is reserved
and a confirm message is received then the slot moves to the confirmed state.
The state chart
for the agenda's behavior is shown in
figure 2. Note that we did
not consider
erroneous state transitions which should notify the sender of the
message. The code below shows the implementation of the slot

= rec(


mkReserveAnswer(session(m), #true)),


= rec(



if(and(free?(m), eq?(id, session(m))),

mkReserveAnswer(session(m), #false)),
if(and(confirm?(m), eq?(id, session(m))),


= rec(



mkReserveAnswer(session(m), #false)),
Each reserved and confirmed
state has a session id that
is used to determine to whom the slot has been assigned. The slot
only evolves into the corresponding state if the message contains the
right session id.
4.2.2. Scheduler Actor
Each agenda
application comes with a scheduler agent. This agent is
responsible for contacting the agenda actors to schedule the meeting.
In the actor definitions of the scheduler implementation below we use
four helper functions:
- a filter function that uses a predicate to filter elements in a
list (In the code below we use LISP [42, 24] terminology for our
function related to lists. A pair is created with the function cons.
The function car returns the first element of the pair, while the cdr
function returns the second element. A list of elements is represented
as a nesting of pairs. e.g. (1, 2, 3) is represented as (1, (2, (3,
filter = rec(



b(predicate, cdr(list))),
- a map function that returns a transformed list and takes two
parameters: a function that transforms elements and a list that is to
be transformed is defined as in standard Scheme [42, 24] implementations [43].
- msend that allows sending a message to a list of actor addresses
or actors described with pattern descriptions (such as in the previous
msend =



- madd that allows adding a list of messages to a mailbox
madd =



item.add(mbx,item), items)
- mdelete that allows to delete a list of messages from a mailbox
mdelete =



item.delete(mbx,item), items)
The scheduling agent behavior is initialized as
. The scheduler agent has an id that
is used to identify its session.

= rec(




participants(m), sender(m)))))
The schedule
agent can be requested to schedule a meeting with a group
of participants by sending it the message schedule. This
message contains the unique patterns (created with mkPattern)
that identify the agenda of each participant. These patterns are
retrieved from the message with the function participants.
When such a request is received the agent sends out reserve
messages to the agenda actors of the participants and the scheduler
evolves into the

= rec(





if(and(reserveAnswer?(m), eq?(id, session(m))),

participants, customer)))),

participants, customer)))))
When handling a reserveAnswer message we make use of the mailboxes
introduced in our model:
- If the reservation was successful the rcvbox is checked to
determine if the scheduling agent has received an answer from all the
participants their agendas. Thanks to the reïfication of the
communication traces by the mailboxes there is no need to manually
maintain the progress of the meeting scheduler. If all agendas are
successfully reserved, then the ScheduleAgent actor sends confirm
messages to all agendas.
- If an individual reservation request fails then the scheduler
agent has to free up the slots of the reservations that were
successful. The sentbox can be used to track to which agenda actors the
scheduler agent has already sent reservation request. These actors are
sent a free message so that they can undo their reservation.
Furthermore, the scheduler agent deletes the reservation messages from
the outbox and thereby undoes the communication before it occurred.
Next, the scheduler agent also notifies the customer actor that sent
the schedule message that the meeting could not be scheduled by sending
it a failed message.

= rec(





map(sender, filter(confirm?, messages('sentbox)))),

participants, customer)))))
Each time the ScheduleAgent actor disjoins from an agenda
actor it checks to see if all confirm messages were sent out,
again using the sentbox. If all confirm messages
were sent, then the customer actor that sent the schedule is
notified with a succeeded message.
The second example
has shown that the mailboxes, which reïfied the
communication traces, introduced in the ambient actor model contain
primitives that allow the scheduler agent to deal with the autonomous
and concurrent nature of the devices. Indeed, the scheduler agent
consults and manipulates its outbox and sentbox to
keep pace with the communication status of the different messages.
Note that the implementation above relies on the eventual delivery of
messages. More advanced delivery policies can be devised for this
application based on the manipulation of mailboxes. For example, a
broken connection between applications could be intercepted with a
disjoin message and unsent reservation requests could be
reversed by removing them from the outbox.
5. Model Evaluation
We discussed the
actor model in the light of requirements introduced
through mobile ad-hoc networking and,
although the model provides non-blocking communication
primitives and an isolated data-model, we concluded that the model
lacks reïfied communication traces and reïfied
environmental context. The lack of support
for these two criteria
made standard actors unsuitable for mobile ad-hoc
networking. The ambient actor model resolves these restrictions with
the introduction of explicit mailboxes. The use
of such
mailboxes is twofold: making the communication state of an actor
explicit and allowing for acquaintance management. Both uses
are detailed below.
5.1. Communication State
scrutinising the communication structure of the actor model, we
can distinguish between four types of messages. The first type of
messages are those an actor received but still needs to process,
called cool messages. A second type of messages are those
the actor has sent but that have not yet been transmitted. Those are
called square messages. Third, there are
messages that an actor has received and processed, termed
groovy messages. Finally, there are the messages that an
actor has sent and transmitted. Those messages are termed
hip messages. Together, these four types of messages
describe the complete communication trace of an actor over
time. Likewise, we can classify actors based on the kind of messages
they have queued. Ambient actors that have mainly incoming messages to
be handled are termed cool. Ambient actors that have mainly
processed messages are termed groovy. Actors that mainly
transmit messages are termed hip and those that want to
transmit but seem to get nowhere are termed square. Such
classification is useful to study the operational properties of
interconnected systems. The overall process scheduling should limit
the number of square and cool actors, and focus on a stable balance
between hip and groovy ones.
In contrast to the
standard actor model, where every actor merely has
an implicit message set for accumulating incoming and outgoing
messages, the ambient actor model allows clear distinction of these
four types of messages by introducing four explicit mailboxes. The
messages of the first type are put in the mailbox inbox, the
second type of messages are put in the mailbox outbox. If an
actor receives a message, then that message will be put in the mailbox
inbox, waiting to be processed by that actor. When a message
is sent by an actor it is put in its mailbox outbox, waiting
to be transmitted to the recipient of that message.
Both mailboxes inbox
and outbox are implicitly
present in the actor model and enable non-blocking communication
as argued in section 3.1.
In addition to the
mailboxes inbox and outbox there
are two more mailboxes, rcvbox and sentbox, for the
third and fourth type of messages respectively. In the ambient actor
model, when a message is processed it is moved from the mailbox
inbox to the mailbox rcvbox and when a message is
actually transmitted to another actor, then the message is moved from
the mailbox outbox to the mailbox sentbox.
Conceptually, the
mailboxes rcvbox and sentbox allow
one to have a peek in the past of the communication history of an
actor. Note that the mailboxes inbox and outbox of
the actor represent its continuation, because these two mailboxes
contain the messages it will process and transmit in the future. Hence,
through the introduction of these four explicit mailboxes we
have a gate to the past and the future of the actor's state of
communication, which enables the reïfied communication traces that
were argued in section 3.1.
The ambient actor
model provides explicit control over the
communication state of an actor through mailbox manipulations. Apart
from the four mailboxes that control the communication state, every
actor can create custom mailboxes. Messages can reside in multiple
mailboxes at the same time. The status of the delivery of a message
can be monitored and altered by accessing the appropriate mailbox.
For example, by removing a message from the mailbox out we
can stop the message from being delivered. Hence, by giving access to
the mailboxes, first-class continuations are attained. The mailboxes
in and out not only allow one to have a peek in the
future computation and communication of the actor, but even to
manipulate it. For example, we could remove a message from the
mailbox in and thereby prevent it from being processed by the
5.2. Acquaintance Management
In section 3.1 we argued that a
form of
acquaintance management should be possible in languages targeting
mobile ad-hoc networks. In the ambient actor model, distributed
naming is available via a pattern-based lookup mechanism. A pattern
is an abstract description of a set of actors and is specified by a
communicable value. An actor that wants to search for certain other
actors in its environment places a corresponding pattern in its
mailbox required. Conversely, when an actor wants to make
itself available for other actors it places a pattern with a
description of itself in its mailbox provided. In the former
case the actor is said to require a pattern, while in
latter case the actor is said to provide a pattern.
Multiple patterns can be added to a mailbox such that an actor can
require or provide multiple patterns simultaneously. A pattern can
also be removed from either mailboxes at any time when the actor no
longer requires or provides a certain pattern.
When two or more
actors enter one another each communication range and
have a corresponding pattern in their provided and
required mailboxes, the mailbox joined of the actor
that required the pattern is updated with a resolution.
Such a resolution is a pair consisting of the pattern and a reference
to the actor who provided the pattern. Conversely, when two actors
with a corresponding pattern in their mailboxes are pulled out of
communication range, the resolution is moved from the mailbox
joined to the mailbox disjoined. This mechanism allows actors not only
to detect new resources in its
environment, but also to detect when actors disappeared from the
environment. Through this mechanism an actor can manage its
5.3. Intra-actor concurrency
By adopting
actors as a foundation for ubiquitous actors, we inherited
the asynchronity found in the original actor model. However, because
we prohibit the further use of an actor after become we
removed intra-object concurrency and thus reduce the
massive parallelism that was found in the actor model. We do not
believe that the change influences the workability of the actor model
for mobile ad-hoc networks.
In fact, many
contemporary implementations of programming languages
based on the actor model have made a similar trade-off. In languages
such as Salsa [44] and E [26] the
become operation has been replaced by assignments that are
used throughout a method body. In these languages the intra-object
concurrency has also been removed to ensure that no race conditions
occur on the internal state of the actor.
5.4 Usability of the model as a direct programming language
Up to now we
have shown that the ambient actor model provides the
necessary abstraction for programming in mobile ad-hoc networks. This
was illustrated in the meeting scheduler case 4.2.
However, some of the implementation details indicate that the object
model lacks expressiveness (in the sense that most operations provide
only the necessary functionality). Unfortunately, this lack of
expressiveness is inherited from the ``object model'' of the standard
actor model. For example, an actor that uses of the psend
abstraction must also manually incorporate the handleJoin in
its behavior such that it understands the join messages and
can handle them accordingly. In the code, the
reserveScheduleAgent and the ConfirmScheduleAgent
behaviors both had to embed this handler. In [
we explored this path further.
5.5. Continuations vs Computational Traces
In many respects
first-class mailboxes can be regarded as a
representation of first-class continuations for the actor model. In
sequential languages first-class continuations can be used to
implement many high-level abstractions, such as exception handling
systems and co-routines. However, unlike most of these high-level
abstractions, first-class continuations themselves are cumbersome to
use and sometimes difficult to understand. The mailboxes as presented
here make this concept much more accessible.
6. Future Work
Given our
experience with this model in various contexts
, we found that most
behave as state machines. Based on this knowledge, we currently work
on a merge of colored Petri-nets [
into the ambient
actor formalism as a
means to formally describe and analyze the properties of the system or
parts of the system. This includes at different levels of detail: the
allowed/expected/provided/required (abbreviated AEPR) state
transitions within actors running on an actor system; the AEPR state
transitions of the actor system running on a device; and at runtime
the AEPR state transitions of joined actor configurations. The
adoption of such formalism will make automatic interface validation
possible, and might lead to automated conflict resolution
7. Conclusion
Putting the ambient actor model in perspective, it forms a formalism
that integrates the restrictions imposed by mobile ad-hoc networks and
the wish to freely communicate between actors in the vicinity. We
extended the operational semantics of the standard actor model in
order to deal with three problems associated with mobile (ad-hoc)
- How to deal with local resources?
To handle this problem we introduced reduction rules join and disjoin that specify what happens when
devices come in communication range of one another.
- How to deal with volatile connections?
This problem is handled with the introduction of the inbox, rcvbox,
outbox and sentbox mailboxes that allow one to track and intervene in
the communication between different devices.
- How to deal with the autonomous nature of interactions?
This is handled through the manipulation of mailboxes that reïfy
the communication traces and through the manipulation of custom
The novelty of our approach lies in the combination of a) mailboxes, b)
pattern matching on actor descriptors and c) the automatic joining and
disjoining of configurations.
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