- [API]Application Program Interface: the syntactical one way description
of an interface. An API typically says which functions can be called
with which arguments and what will be returned. An API describes in
a formal way how functions should be called. Together with this it
can also describe what a function does in an informal way. We do not
consider informal documentation to be part of the API.
- [asynchronous]In this dissertation we will use the term asynchronous
to specify the behavior of a component that sends messages,
without waiting for the return value from another component. This
should not to be confused with non-blocking. It is clear that an asynchronous
working client uses non-blocking primitives, however, not all non-blocking
messages will result in an asynchronous working component.
- [behavior]The behavior of a component is the result of its internal
programming. Typically the behavior of a component can be seen by
looking at the message flow over its interface, however the exact
program describing the behavior exactly is unknown.
- [blocking]Call and wait for return value.
- [call]a call is sending a request to another object or component
and waiting for the answer. Calls always return a value (which
possibly can be void)
- [component]A component is a process that can only communicate
with other components by means of messages. Components do not share
code and or data.
- [client]in this dissertation, a client is a component that requires
a certain concurrency strategy from another component to be able to
do its work.
- [component system]To be able to run components one needs the infrastructure
that allows communication, naming and multitasking. This infrastructure
is called the component system.
- [conflicting interface]Given a) two interfaces and b) an external
(not specified in the interface) agreement on the expected behavior
between the involved components, then these two interfaces are in
conflict if this external behavior cannot be executed on the link
between the two interfaces. For instance, a conflict might arise when
a message cannot be understood by one of the involved components,
or if a message will exhibit other behavior than the expected behavior,
or simply if a sequence of actions leads to corruption of the internal
state of the involved components.
- [co-NP]A problem
is co-NP if
is NP. co-NP problems
often seem harder than NP problems, however it is still an open question
whether co-NP = NP.
- [event]See message.
- [EXPTIME]A problem of size
is EXPTIME if there is a constant
and the time to solve the problem takes at most
- [EXPTIME-complete]A problem is EXPTIME-complete if it is EXPTIME
and other EXPTIME problems are reducible to it. Essentially this declares
a class of problems which can be solved within exponential time. It
is known that EXPTIME
- [interface]An interface is a connection-point to a component. It
is the only means to alter the internal state and/or the behavior
of the component. In the component system interfaces are embodied
under the form of ports which can be connected to other components.
- [machine]The term machine is used to refer to Turing machines.
- [message]A piece of data used to communicate between components.
A message can be sent to another component or it can be received.
Message never share data. Also called event.
- [multi-multi]A multi on multi interface conflict is a conflict between
a number of interface providing components and a number of interface
requiring components. This typically occurs in peer to peer systems.
- [non-blocking]Send a message and don't wait for an answer.
- [non-deterministic]A machine is non-deterministic if it may execute
different branches parallel on the same input.
- [NP]A problem is NP if it can be solved in polynomial time by a
nondeterministic machine.
- [NP-complete]A problem is NP-complete if other NP-complete problems
can be reduced to it.
- [one-one]A one on one interface conflict is a conflict between two
components. Typically one component is a server, the other component
is a client.
- [one-multi]A one on multi interface conflict is a conflict between
one server component and a number of client components.
- [process]A process is a program which is running in a separate code
and data space. Processes can have multiple threads.
- [P]A problem of size
is P if there is a constant
and the
time to solve the problem is at most
- [P-complete]A problem is P-complete if it is in P and other P-problems
are reducible to it.
- [P-hard]A problem is P-hard if itself is not necessarily in P but
other P-problems may reduce to it.
- [server]In this dissertation, a server is a component that provides
a concurrency strategy towards a number of clients.
- [thread]A thread is an execution environment that runs in a process.
A process can consist of multiple threads.
- [whiteboard]A typical application in distributed systems where many
users join a place to discuss. Every user has a view on the shared
data and can modify this as necessary. All other users will see those
changes. A whiteboard is a tool in a group discussion system.