SEESCOA stands for Software Engineering for Embedded Systems using a Component Oriented Approach. The project runs from October 1999 till September 2003. It is a project with a total budget of EUR 2'000'000, after it has been classified as a top project. It is carried out by 4 academic partners:
SEESCOA is funded by the IWT (Flemish Institue of Science and Technology) and 6 industrial partners. These are: Siemens, Barco-graphics, Agfa Gevaert, Imec, Philips and Alcatel. Highlights of this period:


Some deliverables written by me might help clarifying what components are and how the component system can be used.

1. Philips Visiation Report (24 pages); 25 April 2000 -- Werner Van Belle
2. Common Test Case (10 pages) -- all members of the team
3. Working Definition of Components (19 pages) -- Werner Van Belle & David Urting
4. Real Time UML (26 pages) -- Werner Van Belle & Tom Toutenel
5. The Component System (62 pages) -- Werner Van Belle
6. Refinement of the Component Architecture (36 pages) -- Werner Van Belle
7. Component Oriented Design of Common Test Case (126 pages) -- all members of the team


The code contains only the source of the component system. All other code can probably be found on the main website of the seescoa project: