Component Oriented Design of the SEESCOA Common Test Case: The Controller and Zoom Behaviour
Werner Van Belle1* - werner@yellowcouch.org, werner.van.belle@gmail.com
1- Programming Technology Lab (PROG)
Department of Computer Science (DINF)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB); Pleinlaan 2; 1050 Brussel; Belgium
This document describes the design of two components in the seescoa component system: the controller (or directory service, responsible for interconnecting most components) and the zoom behavior, responsible for providing linkage between the behaviour of two or more cameras.
camera zoom synchronized behavior distributed agreement coordination seescoa
Werner Van Belle; Component Oriented Design of the SEESCOA Common Test Case: The Controller and Zoom Behaviour; SEESCOA Deliverable 3.5; 10 of 126 pages; October 2001
Files: DesignControllerZoom4.pdf, SEESCOA-D3dot5-DesignTestCase.pdf
This document describes the design of two components. The Controller
component and the CameraZoomBehaviour component. The first component
takes care of setting up interconnections between components, and
the second takes care of zooming cameras and coupling the zoom
of a number of cameras. All components are part of a test case for
the SEESCOA project.
component Controller
The controller his functionalities are described as follows:
- If new components connect or reconnect, all interested components
will be notified.
- If components die or disconnect, the interested components will
- The controller takes care of distribution errors.
- The controller takes care of booting the system
- When new component systems connect to the component
the controller will upload the necesarry components to the target.
The controller is not responsible for the
- The controller does not handle runtime events and
does not synchronise between components, nor does it contain any
- The controller is not responsible for security,
management, nor choosing between different events.
The controller in the
second period of this project (year 2 to 4)
can be extended to
- Offer component migration
- Remote update of components
The boot up of the camera system contains two phases. The first phase
covers the startup of the master-server, which also boots the
In the second phase, all cameras are looked up and new component
can connect.
- [MCS]starts up with on the command line as only argument the
- [MCS]loads the controller component
- [C]reads the initialisation file which contains a list of
to load
- [C]sends a create message to the MCS for all listed components
- [MCS]loads all components and initialises them. Normally, these
will not make connections with other components.
- [C]reads from the initialisation phase which components should
to whom.
- [C]sends 'faked' Connect messages to all those components.
- [CCS]starts up with only the IP-address of the Master Component
on the command line.
- [CCS]connects to the MCS on the given address. Also connects to
Master Component System component.
- [MCS]accepts the connection, sends out a connect message to all
parties (In this case, the controller)
- [C]looks up which components should exists at the given address.
- [C]sends out creation messages to the CCS for theses components
- [CCS]creates the components (loads the classes from the server)
- [C]after creation of the new components, the controller will send
the correct 'faked' connect messages.
Components can subscribe themselves to retrieve notification of certain
new components within the system. For example, a user interface
would like to subscribe to new cameras. The user interface component
will receive from the controller a connect message when a new camera
joins (or is created).
component can be initiated from anywhere. Every delete
command must be send to the controller, which will ask all components
to disconnect themselves. If they don't the controller will take
We will now illustrate connecting and disconnecting
- [UI]is loaded and requests the controller a join for 'cameras'
- [CC]The camera component is loaded (by the controller)
- [C]Sends a HasJoined message to the UI
- [UI]Sends a connect message to the camera
- [UI]wants to disjoin, sends a message to the controller
- [C]sends a disconnect to the UI
- [UI]disconnects all its ports
At the moment a component disconnects because there was an error (crash
in the component) or a network failure, all dependent components will
be notified with a HasDisjoined message. The messages which trigger
such an action are
- ComponentSystemDisconnect
- ComponentSystemFailed
- ComponentFail
- ComponentDisconnected
- [in Init()]is send by the component system. This is
the first message a component will receive
- [in Connect(Port:<String>, With:<String>)]connects
the sender his port With with the port Port of the receiver.
- [in Disconnect(Who:<String>, From:<String>)]disconnect
Who from port From at receiver side
- [in ComponentSystemDisconnect(ComponentSystem)]see
description of the ComponentSystem component
- [in ComponentSystemFailed(ComponentSystem)]see
description of the ComponentSystem component
- [in ComponentSystemConnect(ComponentSystem)]see
description of the ComponentSystem component
- [in ComponentSystemQueueOverflow(ComponentSystem, Reason)]see
description of the ComponentSystem component
- [in ComponentDisconnect(Component)]see
of the ComponentSystem component
- [in ComponentConnect(Component)]see
of the ComponentSystem component
- [in ComponentFailed(Component)]see description
of the ComponentSystem component
- [out CreateComponent(BluePrint,]Name)
is used to create all the necesarry components
- [in LookingFor(NameSubstring)]Requests
the controller to look for components with a name which contains the
substring Name. In response to this message, the controller will send
back all existing components and will from then on notify the requester
of new components mathcing the given name.
- [out HasJoined(Who)]is send to notify everybody
that Who
has joined. This message is only send to all people subscribed to
the given NameSubstring.
- [out HasDisjoined(Who)]is send as a
of a disjoin. Is send only to subscribes components.
- [out Alife(Who)]is send out to check whether
component systems are still alive.
- [in AreYouAlife()]response of previous
This is one of the plug in components, which is added to the system
to show its flexibility.
- The zoom behaviour component is able to notify all subscribed
of a zoom changed notification.
- Zoom behaviour components can be coupled such that one camera
in while another zooms out and vice versa.
It is possible to log zoom events. If we want this we should connect
to the zoom behaviour zoom changed port.
It should be possible to select (prioritise) between a number of camera
zoom events. If for example, 2 users are zooming in at the same time,
together with an operator on the camera, the zoom behaviour controller
should select one suer and stick to him during a certain period of
It should be possible to couple two (or more) cameras, such that the
first camera zooms in while the second one zooms out. The constraints
placed upon the zoom will be simple linear equations.
- [in Init()]is send by the component system. This is
the first message a component will receive
- [in Connect(Port:<String>, With:<String>)]See
ComponentSystem component
- [in Disconnect(Who:<String>, From:<String>)]See
ComponentSystem component
We will use a port to the camera status to obtain information about
the maximum zooming parameters. This port is temporary. After obtaining
the values this port is not used anymore.
- [out GetMax(Type:<String>)]requests
maximum zoom
- [out GetMin(Type:<String>)]requests
minimum zoom
- [in Value(Type:<String>, Value:<Integer>)]answers
to both
questions above
This is the port offered by all cameras, which we have to implement
in order to intercept certain zoom events.
- [in ZoomChangeRequest(From:<String>, Value:<Integer>)]incoming
message from the camera, to ask whether the zoom can be changed to
the given value. If this is allowed this component will send back
a ZoomChangeAction.
- [out ZoomChangeAction(NewValue:<Integer>)]this
message is
send back to the camera when the zoom should actually change.
This port is necessary for anybody interested in zoom-change events.
This is a stripped down interface of the camera-settings port and
will be used by other ZoomBehaviour components.
- [out ZoomChanged(Camera:<String>, Value:<Integer> ,>InitiatedFrom<:[])]send
out whenever the camera reports a change of value of the zoom. Camera
is the name of the controlling camera. InitiatedFrom is an array with
cameras, which has already send out a ZoomChanged.
This port is necessary for anybody who wants to report a ZoomChanged
event at this controller.
- [in ZoomChanged(Camera:<String>, Value:<Integer>, >InitiatedFrom<:[])]Camera
is the name of the camera for which the zoom has changed to value
Value. In response to this message, this camera can change its own
zoom factor. InitiatedFrom is an array of names which already sent
a ZoomChanged.
This port is used to change the formule used in each controller to
react to ZoomChanged events.
- [in SetFormule(A:<Integer>[], B:<Integer>)]The
formule is a linear equation. The integer array contains the
The integer B contains the extra value added to all this.
This port can be used by anybody to receive an XML description of
the behaviour port.
- [in GetUiDescription()]received from somewhere. In
we have to send back an XML tree which contains the possible behaviour
of this component.
- [out PutUiDescription(Xml:<String>)]Send out.
Will probably
contain the parameters of the linear equation.
This is an example of two cameras coupled together.
Below is an example of 3 cameras coupled together. The first is coupled
to the second, the second is coupled to the third. The third camera
is not immediately connected with the first.